本研究为弥补牡蛎深加工产品少的不足,研制出了富有牡蛎风味的膨化淀粉片,并运用响应面法优化产品配方,采用正交实验研究最佳工艺参数。实验结果表明制作牡蛎味膨化淀粉片的最佳工艺参数为:薄片厚度为1.5 mm,热风干燥温度为80 ℃,干燥时间为2 h,微波膨化50 s;该产品的最优配方为:小麦淀粉54%,木薯淀粉27%,玉米淀粉7%,牡蛎9%,膨化助剂3%。
Nowadays oyster is mainly served in the raw
with few further processing. The production technology of oyster-flavored
crispy chips was studied in this paper through orthogonal experiment and
response surface analysis. The result indicated that, the best composition of
raw material was wheat starch 54%, cassava starch 27%, corn starch 7%, oyster
9% and expanding agent 3%. As for the crispy piece, its thickness controlled in
1.5mm, the temperature of hot-air drying was 80℃, time of drying and microwave puffing ware 2h and 50s so that the
product was well puffed and had delicate flavor.