
  • (西南大学 食品科学学院,农业部农产品贮藏保鲜质量安全风险评估实验室(重庆),
    重庆市特色食品工程技术研究中心,重庆, 400715)

网络出版日期: 2018-03-26


重庆市科委社会事业与民生保障科技创新专项(cstc2015 shms-ztzx80010、cstc2015shmszx80036)

Mechanism of coolant controlled temperature foam box in lettuce fresh keeping under normal temperature logistics and transportation

  • (College of Food Science, Southwest University, Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Argo-products on
    Storage and Preservation(Chongqing), Mimnistry of Agriculture,Chongqing Special Food Programme and Technology
    Research Center, Chongqing 400715, China)

Online published: 2018-03-26


蓄冷剂控温泡沫箱是果蔬主要的物流包装保鲜形式,然而蓄冷剂用量的增加并不能相对应地提升果蔬保鲜品质。该文使用泡沫箱加入不同质量的蓄冷剂(100、400、800 g)对莴笋尖进行包装,模拟常温(25 ℃)物流运输过程,探究蓄冷剂控温泡沫箱的保鲜机理。结果表明,在物流过程前中期,各处理组均能维持较低的失重率,保持较好的色泽及营养品质(叶绿素含量、VC含量);但在物流过程末期,莴笋尖呼吸消耗O2产生CO2最终造成气体损伤,导致莴笋尖腐烂。控温包装对莴笋尖的保鲜效果具有明显的阶段性,可划分为低温高湿、自发气调和气体损伤3个阶段。提高控温包装蓄冷剂的用量,在物流过程前期有利于维持莴笋尖的品质,但对其保鲜期的延长效果有限,制约控温包装保鲜效果的主要因素是箱内的气体成分变化导致的无氧呼吸。


折弯弯 , 程曦 , 张洪翠 , 等 . 蓄冷剂控温泡沫箱对常温物流莴笋尖的保鲜机理[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(3) : 170 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015264


Coolant temperature controlled foam box is widely used in fresh fruits and vegetables package. However, it is found that the increase of the amount of coolant can't improve the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables. The mechanism of the problem was studied. The tip of the lettuce was packed in a foam box with different amount of coolant (100, 400, 800 g) which simulated normal temperature (25 ℃) logistics transport process. The results showed that in the early and middle logistics process, each treatment group could maintain low weight loss rate, good color and nutritional quality (chlorophyll content, vitamin C content); but at the end of the logistics process, the respiration of lettuce consumed O2 and produced CO2 which caused gas damage and decay eventually. Coolant controlled temperature foam box has obvious stage effect on the preservation of lettuce; it can be divided into three stages: low temperature-high humidity, modified atmosphere and gas injury. Increasing the amount of coolant used in the insulating package is beneficial to maintain the quality of lettuce tip at the early stage of the logistics process, but the effect of prolonging the shelf life is limited. The main factor that restricted the preservation effect of the coolant controlled temperature foam box is the anaerobic respiration caused by the change of gas composition in the box.
