
  • (宁波大学 海洋学院,浙江省动物蛋白食品精深加工重点实验室,浙江 宁波,315211)

网络出版日期: 2018-07-31


浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY15C20008) ;国家自然科学基金项目(31201284)

Optimization of properties of fish-scale gelatin edible films modified by myricetin associated with glycosylation

  • (Key Laboratory of Animal Protein Food Deep Processing Technology of Zhejiang Province,School of Marine Science,Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)

Online published: 2018-07-31


为提升纯明胶膜的综合性能以增强其应用性,该研究基于多酚和糖基化处理对明胶的改性作用,对罗非鱼鱼鳞明胶进行糖基化和添加杨梅素制备功能性可食膜。结果表明,糖基化处理联合添加杨梅素能协同提高鱼鳞明胶可食膜机械性能和光阻隔性能,而不影响鱼鳞明胶膜的阻水性。其中糖基化和杨梅素均能提升鱼鳞明胶可食膜机械性能和紫外阻隔性能,杨梅素提升了明胶膜的阻水性,而糖基化降低了明胶膜的阻水性。差示扫描量热法(differential scanning calorimetry, DSC)和扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope, SEM)显示,杨梅素协同糖基化改性提高了单一改性方式的膜热稳定性,并使明胶膜表面更加光洁,且内部结构更加规律和致密。傅里叶变换红外光谱(founrier transform infrared spectometer, FTIR)以及二级结构分析表明,添加杨梅素和糖基化处理均能通过氢键和分子间作用力改变鱼鳞明胶分子结构,糖基化和添加杨梅素改性的互补作用使鱼鳞明胶分子的β结构转变为α螺旋和无规则卷曲,使膜的阻水性无显著性改变,但协同提高了鱼鳞明胶复合膜的机械性能。杨梅素添加协同糖基化作用有望成为一种潜在的可食明胶膜性能提升手段。


周伟, 胡熠, 张进杰, 等 . 杨梅素和糖基化协同改性鱼鳞明胶可食膜[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(6) : 58 -66 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015875


For the purpose of improving the general properties of gelatin films, fish-scale gelatin edible films were modified by glycosylation and myricetin. The results showed that glycosylation and myricetin collaboratively strengthened the edible mechanical properties and ultraviolent light prevention characterizations without influencing the water barrier capacity of the film. The myricetin improved the water barrier capacity of the film while glycosylation reduced that capacity. The results of DSC and SEM indicated that cooperative synergism improved the film thermal stability, smoothened the surface and made internal structure more regular and compact compared with modification by only one of them. Analysis of FTIR and secondary structure content demonstrated that, both myricetin and glycosylation could separately alter fish-scale gelatin molecular structure through hydrogen bonds and inter-molecular interaction. Complementation of two modification ways caused that β structure converted to α helix and random coil , which did not significantly affect the water barrier capacity, but collaboratively optimized mechanical property of the composite film. The combination of myricetin and glycosylation provided a potential approach to improve gelatin film performance.
