为开发不同食品物性的青稞新产品,以发芽手段对青稞进行改性处理。分别研究了发芽对青稞的主要营养成分及持水性、水溶指数、持油性和质构等加工特性的影响,并建立电子鼻“嗅觉”快速识别主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)模型。结果表明,青稞发芽后的蛋白质和还原糖含量分别增加了1.1和2.9倍,而脂肪显著减少了44%。与加工性质密切关联的保油性、水溶指数分别提高了1.06和9.5倍;而持水性略微降低了2.78%。质构学研究表明,发芽后青稞粉的硬度显著增加了1.35倍,而咀嚼性、黏性、延展性等均显著降低。此外,电子鼻PCA模型可以快速区分发芽前后的青稞,为发芽青稞的快速自动筛选奠定基础。该研究为青稞改性与开发新食品提供了科学依据。
发芽; 青稞; 物性学; 质构; 电子鼻
In this study, barley was fermented. The effects of germination techniques on the water holding capacity, water solubility, fat holding capacity and texture of barley were studied. The "olfactory" identification of PCA model was established by using electronic nose. The results showed that the fat holding capacity and water solubility of barley were increased by 1.06 and 9.5 times, respectively; while the water holding capacity decreased slightly by 2.78%.The results showed that the hardness of barley flour was significantly increased after germination, while chewiness, cohesiveness and springiness were significantly decreased. In addition, the electronic nose PCA model can distinguish between barley before and after germination. This study provides a theoretical basis for the development of highland barley food with different food characteristics, and lay the foundation for the detection of germinated barley and no-germinated barley.