
  • 1(四川大学 轻纺与食品学院,四川 成都,610065) 2(皮革化学与工程教育部重点实验室,四川 成都,610065) 3(国家固态酿造工程技术研究中心,四川 泸州,64600)

网络出版日期: 2018-09-06



Characterizing the spatial-temporal feature of Suace-flavor Baijiu Daqu based onthe volatile compounds

  • 1 (College of Light Industry, Textile & Food Engineering, Key Laboratory of Leather Chemistry and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China) 2 (National Engineering Laboratory for Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture, Chengdu 610065, China) 3 (National Solid Fermentation Engineering Research Center, Luzhou 646000, China)

Online published: 2018-09-06


6种不同酱香型大曲的理化参数及挥发性组分的研究结果表明,酱香型大曲的挥发性组分具有显著的时空性特征(大曲生产地点和储存时间)。酱香型大曲主要挥发性组分包括芳香族、酯类、含氮化合物等。基于挥发性组分对不同类型的酱香型大曲进行主成分分析(principal components analysis, PCA)和聚类分析等统计分析,能有效地辨析其时空性特征。酱香型大曲生产地域之间的差异能够显著改变主要挥发性组分的种类,而相同地域不同生产企业和不同生产地点的酱香型大曲中的挥发性组分含量也差异较大。茅台原产曲的曲心和曲表的含氮化合物类挥发性组分的比例分别是52.83%和22.05%,其中较高的吡嗪类含氮组分是茅台原产曲的重要特征,而源于其他生产域的酱香型大曲中挥发性组分则以酯类为主(51.55%~79.49%)。同时酱曲主要挥性发组分种类及含量因陈曲时间而异。


李登勇, 黄钧, 丁晓菲, 等. . 酱香型大曲的挥发性组分时空性特征的分析[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(7) : 243 -249 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017456


The characteristics of physicochemical properties and volatiles in the different six types of Sauce-flavor Baijiu Daqu were investigated. Results show that these volatile profiles shown special spatial-temporal feature, including the sites of Daqu manufacturing as well as stored time.The most volatiles in Sauce-flavor Baijiu Daqu comprise esters, aromatics and nitrogen-containing compounds, and so on. The spatial-temporal feature can be revealed based on the volatiles dataobtained from various Daqu with the statistical methods, such as principal component analysis(PCA) and heatmap cluster analysis.The proportion of nitrogen-containing volatile compounds, were 52.83% and 22.05%, respectively, in the core and surface samples originated from Maotai, high content of nitrogen-containing compounds, especially pyrazine, were a unique feature of MBQ. Esters, accounted for 51.55%-79.49%, is the most abundant in other types of Sauce-flavor Baijiu Daqu form another region. The difference of the dominant components contentand their numbers among the samples stored for different periods were observed.
