
  • 1(江南大学 食品学院,江苏 无锡,214122)2(无限极(中国)有限公司,广东 广州,510623)

网络出版日期: 2018-09-13


国家食品科学与工程一流学科建设项目(JUFSTR 20180102)

Safety assessment of two probiotic strains with the function of metabolic syndrome alleviation isolated from human gut

  • 1(School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)2(Infinitus (China) Company Ltd., Guangzhou 510623, China)

Online published: 2018-09-13


对分离自中国长寿地区人体肠道的2株具有显著缓解代谢综合征功能的人源益生菌青春双歧杆菌Z25和罗伊氏乳杆菌138-1的安全性进行评价,以确定其是否能作为安全、可食用的益生菌并用于后续的产品研发。通过急性毒性实验、28 d喂养毒理实验、致畸实验和细菌易位实验,对体重、脏器指数、血液学指标、细菌易位情况、组织病理学检查和孕鼠、胎鼠畸形学指标等进行检测。以不同浓度的益生菌灌胃,除部分降低进食量并影响体重增幅以外,脏器指数与对照组无显著差异;对血液学指标的影响均在正常范围内;除偶见非益生菌相关的肺部受损外,无其他组织病变和细菌易位现象发生;除孕鼠体重略有降低外,对孕鼠生殖功能及胚胎形成无影响,未见胎仔内脏和外观畸形。青春双歧杆菌Z25和罗伊氏乳杆菌138-1对大鼠安全,无毒副作用。


朱广素, 王刚, 王园园, 等 . 两株具有缓解代谢综合征功能的人源益生菌的安全性评价[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(8) : 57 -64 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016993


To determine whether the probiotic strain, Bifidobacterium adolescentis Z25 and Lactobacillus reuteri 138-1, isolated from human feces with the function of metabolic syndrome alleviation are edible for subsequent product development, safety of these two strains were assessed. Acute toxicity test, 28-day feeding toxicity test, teratogenicity test and bacterial translocation test were performed. The general appearances, body weight, organ weight, biochemical and hematological indexes of blood, bacterial translocation, histopathological indexes, teratology index of pregnant rats and offsprings were investigated. Except for reduced appetite and body weight gain, no major changes were seen in organ index after probiotics treatment. Except for occasionally non-probiotics-related lung damage, no other tissue lesions and bacterial translocation were detected. No teratogenicity and mutagenicity to the pregnant rat and embryo rat were observed. B. adolescentis Z25 and L. reuteri 138-1 are safe strain without toxicity and side effects.
