采用国标检验方法,并依据联合国粮农组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)和世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)的评价标准,对前三潮茶树菇子实体的主要营养成分及品质进行了分析比较。结果表明,第三潮菇的粗蛋白显著高于第一、二潮菇,但粗脂肪差异不显著。不同潮茶树菇氨基酸种类及必需氨基酸所占比例组成相同,氨基酸评分(amino acid score,AAS)和化学评分(chemical score,CS)无显著性差异,但第三潮菇的氨基酸总量及各种氨基酸含量显著高于前两潮菇。从重金属含量来看,第三潮菇的镉、汞、砷等含量显著高于前两潮,但均在安全范围以内,符合绿色食品(食用菌)的要求。综合上述指标,前两潮菇的各项指标均较为接近,而第三潮菇在蛋白质及氨基酸含量等方面显著高于前两潮,但重金属离子含量也相对升高。
Fruiting body components of Agrocybe cylindracea between the first three tides were analyzed and compared by the national standard(GB) test method according to FAO and WHO evaluation criteria. The results showed that crude protein contents in the fruiting body of first tide were higher than those in the second and third tides, but the crude fat content were not significant difference among three tides. Amino acid composition of the fruiting body of three tides were identical in terms of category but different in the content. The contents of total amino acids of the third tide were significantly higher than that in the other two tides. Heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) contents in fruiting body of the third tide were significantly higher than the other tides, but the contents in all of the three tides did not exceed national food safety standards, and met the requirements of green food (edible mushrooms). By evaluation of these indicators, we know that quality of the third tide of Agrocybe cylindracea was better on protein and amino acids concentrations, but the heavy metals contents was also higher.