采用密封静置发酵的方式生产诺丽发酵果汁。选择pH值、可溶性固形物、有机酸等理化指标,总糖、总酚、环烯醚萜等活性物质及挥发性物质探究诺丽果发酵过程中的理化指标和活性物质变化情况。研究发现,诺丽果发酵具有阶段性。前60 d,pH值、总酚含量逐渐下降,总滴定酸度、可溶性固形物含量逐渐上升,多糖和环烯醚萜含量呈波动变化。发酵60 d后,诺丽果汁性质稳定。随发酵时间延长,己酸、辛酸等特征风味物质无变化,2-甲基丁酸等刺激性风味物质增加,丁酸甲酯等果香风味物质减少。因此,建议缩短发酵时间,保证产品品质。
Fermented noni juice is a kind of nutritional supplements with unique flavor. Noni fruit is generally fermented in a sealed container. In this study our research focused on the changes of physical and chemical properties and bioactive substances during the noni fermentation, including pH, total soluble solids, organic acids, total carbohydrates, polyphenols and volatile substances. The results showed that noni fermentation could be divided into four stages. Before 60 days, pH and polyphenols decreased gradually. Total titratable acid and the total soluble solids increased, and total carbohydrates and the iridoids fluctuated. The properties of noni juice were basically stable after 60 days. During fermentation, typical flavor substance like hexanoic acid and octanoic acid changed little. Pungent flavor like 2-methyl butyric acid increased and fruity and pleasant flavor like 2-heptanone decreased. Therefore, it was advised to shorten the fermentation time to improve the qualities of noni juice.
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