
  • 罗鸣 ,
  • 张桂容 ,
  • 罗钰婕 ,
  • 等.
  • (西华大学 食品与生物工程学院,四川 成都,610039)

收稿日期: 2017-12-01

  修回日期: 2018-12-28

  网络出版日期: 2018-11-23



Effects of different drying methods on the quality of plum

  • LUO Ming ,
  • ZHANG Gui-rong ,
  • LUO Yu-jie ,
  • et al.
  • (College of Food and Boiengineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China)

Received date: 2017-12-01

  Revised date: 2018-12-28

  Online published: 2018-11-23


研究了热风干燥、真空干燥、真空微波干燥、真空冷冻干燥4种不同干燥方式对青梅感官特性、主要营养成分和微观结构的影响。结果表明,干燥至恒重时,真空微波干燥用时最短,为40 min,干燥速率显著高于其他干燥方式(p<0.05);真空冷冻干燥用时最长,为22 h。经65~70 ℃,2 kW真空微波干燥后青梅感官特性最好,呈金黄色、外观为蜂窝状结构、具有浓郁梅香味。经真空冷冻干燥后青梅中有机酸、总酚、总黄酮含量最高,分别为6.4%、343.33 mg/100g、135.72 mg/100g,显著高于其他干燥方式(p<0.05);65~70 ℃,1 kW真空微波干燥后青梅的总糖含量最高,为2.21%;真空冷冻干燥后青梅色泽最浅,ΔE*值为5.86,微观结构最好。综合而言,经真空冷冻干燥得到的青梅品质最好,但是干燥时间为真空微波干燥的33倍,实际生产可以联合真空微波干燥和真空冷冻干燥处理青梅。


罗鸣 , 张桂容 , 罗钰婕 , 等. . 不同干燥方式对青梅品质的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(10) : 152 -159 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016403


The effects of different methods including hot air drying(HD),vacuum drying(VD),microwave vacuum drying(MVD)and freezing-drying(FD) on product properties, such as sensory characteristics, nutrient content, and microstructure of plum were studied. Results showed MVD method had the shortest time (40 min) (p<0.05)and FD had the longest time (22 h) to dry to a constant weight. In the sensory characteristics of evaluation, the plum by MVD(65-70 ℃,2 kW) was the best. The final product had golden color and a honeycomb structure with rich plum flavors. In addition, the content of organic acid, total phenols and total flavonoids in plum dried by FD were 6.4%、343.33 mg/100g and 135.72 mg/100g, respectively, which were all higher than other drying methods(p<0.05.The content of total sugar in plum dried by MVD (65-70 ℃,1 kW) was the highest (2.21%). In terms of color and microstructure, FD dried plum was the lightest, the value of ΔE* was 5.86 and the microstructure was the best. In conclusion, the quality of plum by FD is the best, but the drying time is 33 times more than MVD. Therefore, FD and MVD should be combined in plum drying process.
