【Objective】The aim of the study was to investigate the changes of beef quality with the long frozen storage time and to establish correlations between frozen storage time and beef quality traits. 【Method】 The study analyzed the effects of frozen storage duration (0, 3, 7, 18, 42 and 66 months) on beef quality. The hardness, springiness, resilience, pH, TVB-N, protein, color, moisture and fatty acid were measured by standard methods, the correlations between 18 indexes such as hardness and springiness and frozen storage time were carried out by principal component analysis. 【Result】 During the frozen time from 0 to 66 months, the content of TVB-N was significantly increased (p<0.01), and TVB-N content was more than that of standard fresh meat at 18 months. The moisture and protein content was significantly decreased (p<0.01). The pH value was significantly increased and then decreased (p<0.01); the water holding capacity (WHC), The value of color (L*, a* and b*), the hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness and resilience of beef were significantly decreased and then increased (p<0.01). The content of total FA, SFA, MUFA and PUFA were significantly decreased (p<0.01), the percentage of trans fatty acids in the total fatty acids was significantly increased (p<0.01). By the principal component analysis method, the comprehensive evaluation results of 18 indexes such as the hardness, springiness and total FA of beef and the freezing time could be used to predict the shelf life of beef. 【Conclusion】The frozen storage time significantly influences the structure, freshness and some nutrient indexes of beef. The established model between 18 indexes and frozen storage time by principal component analysis was able to predict the shelf life of frozen-storage beef. The results of this study provide more theoretical basis and guidance for evaluation of beef frozen time.
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