通过单因素试验确定熬煮时间、温度和压力的最佳水平,在此基础上,以感官评分为主指标,以可溶性固形物和可溶性蛋白为辅指标,运用响应面分析法优化高压即食鸡汤的最佳熬煮工艺参数以达到缩短鸡汤熬煮时间和节约能源的目的。结果表明,最佳熬煮工艺参数为时间53 min、温度113 ℃、压力0.19 MPa,在此参数下得到鸡汤的感官评分8.42、可溶性固形物2.97%、可溶性蛋白16.26 mg/mL,与预测值相近。
In order to shorten the cooking time of chicken soup and save energy, response surface analysis was used to obtain the best cooking process parameters based on sensory evaluation and soluble solids and soluble protein. The optimum cooking time, temperature and pressure which were determined by single factor experiments. The response surface analysis results showed that the optimal cooking parameters were: cooking 53 min at 113 ℃ and 0.19 MPa. The sensory score was 8.42, soluble solids was 2.97% and soluble protein was 16.26 mg/mL, all were close to the predicted values.
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