采用旋转式黏度计测定仙人掌果果汁在不同质量浓度、温度、pH和糖度条件下黏度变化趋势。试验结果表明,仙人掌果果汁流变曲线幂率方程拟合结果为y=3.396 1x0.561,n=0.561<1,属于假塑性流体。探究4种因素对果汁黏度影响及温度和质量浓度对果汁黏度影响的数学模型,得到以下结果,果汁黏度随其质量浓度减小而下降,随温度和糖度增加而下降;但随pH增加而先增大后减小,pH为5时果汁黏度最大。温度对果汁黏度影响的模型为η=k0exp(Ea/RT),浓度对果汁黏度影响的模型为y=k1ekx。试验结果和模型可以为实际仙人掌果的生产条件提供参考。
The rheological properties of cactus fruit juice was determined at different concentrations,temperatures,pH and sugar Brix using rotating viscometer. The results showed that cactus fruit juice was pseudoplastic fluid fitting to its equation of flow curve and n=0.561<1.Detecting the effect of four factors on the viscosity of juice and the mathematical model of temperature and concentrations on the viscosity, test indicated that, the viscosity of juice decreased with the decreasing of concentration and the increasing of temperature and Brix.While the viscosity of juice increasing firstly,then decreasing with the increasing of pH. The influence of temperature on the viscosity could be described by the model of η=k0exp(Ea/RT),and using y=k1ekx to describe the influence of concentration on the viscosity of juice. The results and mathematical models can be used in actual production.
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