

  • 濮艳清 ,
  • 卢立新 ,
  • 潘嘹 ,
  • 王清 ,
  • 卢莉璟 ,
  • 张大海
  • 1(江南大学 机械工程学院,江苏 无锡,214122)
    2(江苏省食品先进制造装备技术重点实验室,江苏 无锡,214122)
    4(宿迁利华农业发展有限公司,江苏 宿迁, 223833)

收稿日期: 2019-11-06

  网络出版日期: 2020-04-24



Effect of pretreatment combined with modified atmosphere packaging on the quality of mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

  • PU Yanqing ,
  • LU Lixin ,
  • PAN Liao ,
  • WANG Qing ,
  • LU Lijing ,
  • ZHANG Dahai
  • 1(School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122,China)
    2(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Food Manufacturing Equipment Technology, Wuxi 214122,China)
    3(Beijing Vegetable Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100081,China)
    4(Suqian Lihua Agricultural Development Co.Ltd., Suqian 223833, China)

Received date: 2019-11-06

  Online published: 2020-04-24


针对混合型鲜切果蔬自身呼吸会相互影响,易褐变变质、会缩短产品货架期的问题,筛选出适合混合鲜切果蔬的气调包装气体成分比例。以鲜切苹果、胡萝卜、橙子混合为研究对象,通过涂覆可食性膜预处理方式结合不同气调包装放于4 ℃下贮藏,采用感官评分、色差值、可溶性固形物含量(total soluble solid,TSS)、Vc含量、失重率、菌落总数等指标评价混合型鲜切果蔬的品质,利用主成分分析确定适合的气调包装气体成分比例。结果表明,气调包装能有效改善混合型鲜切果蔬在贮藏过程中的褐变、病菌交叉感染的问题。5%O2+5%CO2+90%N2气体成分比例的气调包装综合保鲜效果最显著,能抑制混合型鲜切果蔬呼吸作用的相互影响,延缓鲜切苹果果肉褐变程度,减少胡萝卜白化木质化现象,减缓 3种混合型鲜切果蔬TSS含量、Vc含量的下降速率,抑制微生物的生长,为混合鲜切果蔬最佳保鲜方式,高品质货架期可达8 d。


濮艳清 , 卢立新 , 潘嘹 , 王清 , 卢莉璟 , 张大海 . 预处理结合气调包装对混合鲜切果蔬品质的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(6) : 114 -120 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022729


For the mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, their breathing will affect each other, and it will be more susceptible to browning and deterioration, which will shorten the shelf life of the products. This study screened out the proportion of modified atmosphere components which were suitable for mixing fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Apples, carrots and oranges were used as experiment materials. The fresh-cut fruits and vegetables were pretreated by edible coated film and preserved with different modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) at 4 °C. The quality of mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables was determined by sensory score, color difference, soluble solid content, vitamin C content, weight loss rate and the total number of colonies. Principal component analysis was used to determine the suitable gas components in MAP. Results showed that MAP could effectively improve the browning and cross-infection of mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables during storage. The preservation effect of MAP was better under the ratio of 5% O2+5%CO2+90%N2 gas composition than the control group. MAP could inhibit the interaction of respiratory action of mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. In addition, MAP could also delay browning of fresh-cut apple and reduce whitening and lignification of carrot. Moreover, MAP could inhibit the growth of microorganisms and slow down the rate of decrease in TSS content and vitamin C content of mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. In conclusion, pretreating with edible coated film and preserving with MAP(5% O2+5%CO2+90%N2)showed the optimal effect on maintaining the quality of the mixed fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. The shelf life could be prolonged to 8 days using this method.


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