

  • 都芸 ,
  • 王开宇 ,
  • 左惠君 ,
  • 邱怡筠 ,
  • 张露月
  • (烟台市食品药品检验检测中心,山东 烟台,264000)

收稿日期: 2019-11-12

  网络出版日期: 2020-02-02

Evaluation of uncertainty in determination of cyanide in liquor by spectrophotometry

  • DU Yun ,
  • WANG Kaiyu ,
  • ZUO Huijun ,
  • QIU Yijun ,
  • ZHANG Luyue
  • (Yantai Center for Food and Drug Control, Yantai 264000,China)

Received date: 2019-11-12

  Online published: 2020-02-02


为提高实验室检测结果的准确性,对分光光度法测定白酒中氰化物含量进行了不确定度的评定,依照GB 5009.36—2016食品安全国家标准 食品中氰化物的测定中的方法,对整个实验过程进行了评定,评定过程中的不确定度分量主要来源有测量的重复性、样品的取样体积、样品的定容体积、标准溶液系列、标准曲线拟合、酒精度折算及摩尔质量。经评定白酒中氰化物的不确定度结果为X=(2.19±0.06)mg/L;k=2,不确定度贡献为测量重复性15.2%、取样体积9.2%、样品显色定容体积17.8%、标准溶液系列配制39.2%、标准曲线拟合17.4%、酒精度折算0.5%、摩尔质量0.6%,其中标准溶液系列配制引入的不确定度分量占比最大。


都芸 , 王开宇 , 左惠君 , 邱怡筠 , 张露月 . 分光光度法测定白酒中氰化物含量的不确定度评定[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(8) : 273 -279 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022786


In order to improve the accuracy of laboratory test results, the uncertainty determination of cyanide content in liquor was evaluated by spectrophotometry. According to the method of national standard GB 5009.36—2016 Food Safety National Standard for Determination of Cyanide in Food, the whole experimental process was evaluated. The main sources of uncertainty in evaluation process were the measurement repeatability, sampling volume, sample constant volume, standard solution series, standard curve fitting, alcoholicity conversion and molar mass. The uncertainty of cyanide in liquor was evaluated as X=(2.19±0.06) mg/L; k=2, and the contribution of uncertainty were: measurement repeatability 15.2%, sampling volume 9.2%, sample coloring constant volume 17.8%, standard solution series 39.2%, standard curve fitting 17.4%, alcoholicity conversion 0.5%, molar mass 0.6%, of which the standard solution series contributed the most to the uncertainty.


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