

  • 鲍诗晗 ,
  • 李诗雯 ,
  • 何玉英 ,
  • 李佳琪 ,
  • 王家琪 ,
  • 兰天 ,
  • 孙翔宇 ,
  • 马婷婷
  • 1 (西北农林科技大学 食品科学与工程学院, 陕西 杨凌, 712100)
    2 (西北农林科技大学 葡萄酒学院, 陕西 杨凌, 712100)
    3 (国家林业和草原局葡萄与葡萄酒工程技术研究中心, 陕西 杨凌, 712100)
    4 (陕西省葡萄与葡萄酒工程技术研究中心,陕西 杨凌, 712100)
    5 (西北农林科技大学合阳葡萄试验示范站, 陕西 合阳, 715300)
本科生(马婷婷讲师为通讯作者, E-mail: matingting@nwafu.edu.cn)

收稿日期: 2020-02-05

  网络出版日期: 2020-05-20


国家自然科学基金 (31801560);中国博士后面上基金(2017M623255);大学生创新创业训练计划项目(X201910712115;X201910712040)

Effects of cooking methods on sensory quality and nutrient content of carrot

  • BAO Shihan ,
  • LI Shiwen ,
  • HE Yuying ,
  • LI Jiaqi ,
  • WANG Jiaqi ,
  • LAN Tian ,
  • SUN Xiangyu ,
  • MA Tingting
  • 1 (College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China)
    2 (College of Enology, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China)
    3 (Viti-viniculture Engineering Technology Center of State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Yangling 712100, China)
    4 (Shaanxi Engineering Research Center for Viti-viniculture, Yangling 712100, China)
    5 (Heyang Experimental Demonstration Station of Viticulture, Northwest A&F University, Heyang 715300, China)

Received date: 2020-02-05

  Online published: 2020-05-20


该文通过探究胡萝卜切片经不同烹饪方式处理后的感官品质及重要营养素含量,比较不同烹饪方式对胡萝卜食用品质与营养价值的影响。胡萝卜切片经蒸、煮、炒、炸处理不同时间后,对样品进行感官品鉴,并测定其色度与质构特性,确定每种烹饪方式的最优时间。胡萝卜切片在最优时间下经蒸、煮、炒、炸处理后,使用扫描电镜观察其微观结构,测定总酚及类胡萝卜素含量。结果表明,蒸处理样品感官评价得分最高,每种烹饪方式的最优时间分别是蒸13 min,煮4 min,炒70 s,炸30 s。烹饪后的样品与鲜样相比,红绿度a*减小,色差值ΔE大于5,可以观察出明显色差。质构测定结果显示,胡萝卜切片经烹饪后硬度、脆度及回复性均下降,蒸处理样品硬度与咀嚼性最适宜。通过扫描电镜观察发现,蒸处理样品的细胞完整性最高;煮、炒、炸处理导致样品孔隙率增加。营养素测定结果如下:炒(49.94 μg/g)、炸处理(49.19 μg/g)后酚类物质的提取量最高,蒸(310.27 μg/g)、煮处理(303.47 μg/g)后类胡萝卜素的提取量最高。因此,胡萝卜经蒸处理后感官品质最优,类胡萝卜素的保留率较高,相较于其他烹饪方式处理后的样品有较高的食用价值。


鲍诗晗 , 李诗雯 , 何玉英 , 李佳琪 , 王家琪 , 兰天 , 孙翔宇 , 马婷婷 . 烹饪方式对胡萝卜感官品质及营养素含量的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(8) : 149 -156 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023526


Through exploring the sensory quality and important nutrient content of carrot slices processed in different ways, this paper attempts to determine the cooking method and time with the highest edible and nutritive value of carrot. After the carrot slices were steamed, boiled, stir-fried and fried for different times, the researchers made the sensory senses of the samples and measured the chrominance and texture characteristics of the samples to determine the optimal cooking time of each cooking method. The samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy after they were steamed, boiled, stir-fried and fried at the optimal time, and determined the contents of total phenols and carotenoids. The results showed that steam-treated samples had the highest sensory evaluation score. The optimal time for each cooking method was steaming, boiling stir-frying and frying for 13min, 4min, 70 s and 30 s respectively. Compared with fresh samples, the a* of cooked samples decreased, and ΔE was greater than 5. Significant color changes could be observed. Texture determination results showed that the hardness, crispness and recovery of carrot slices decreased after cooking. The hardness and chewability of the sample treated by steam were the best. The cell integrity of the steamed samples was the highest. Boiling, stir-frying and frying resulted in increasing sample porosity. The results of nutrient content were as follows: the extract of phenols was the highest after stir-frying (49.94 g/g) and frying (49.19 g/g), while the extract of carotenoids was the highest after steaming (310.27 g/g) and boiling (303.47 g/g). So, the sensory quality of carrot is the best after steaming and the retention rate of carotenoid is also higher, and steam-treated samples have higher edible value.


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