以核桃油为对象,以添加质量分数为0.02%的2,6-二叔丁基-4-甲基苯酚(butylated hydroxytoluene,BHT)的核桃油为对照组,采用Schaal烘箱法,考察不同温度(25、35、45、55 ℃)避光条件下,不同质量比例美藤果油(0、1%、5%、10%、15%、20%)对核桃油过氧化值(peroxide value, POV)和酸价(acid value, AV)的影响,然后对氧化稳定性最好的核桃油的理化指标和脂肪酸含量进行检测。结果表明,20%美藤果油组的核桃油氧化稳定性最好,其多酚含量、VE、水分含量、皂化值和碘值分别为6.185 mg/kg、4 mg/100 g、0.42%、131.65 mg/g和150 g/100 g,均在国家标准范围内,在25、35、45、55 ℃条件下分别可以保存>43、>20、>10和>5 d,且60 ℃避光条件下,20 %美藤果油组的核桃油添加0.02% TBHQ(质量分数)后,其货架期预测大于33个月。添加合适比例的美藤果油显著提高了核桃油的氧化稳定性和品质,可为核桃油保存提供一种新策略。
This study was conducted with Schaal oven method to investigate the effects of different mass ratios of Sacha Inchi oil (0, 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) on peroxide value (POV) and acid value (AV) of walnut oil at different temperature (25, 35, 45, 55 ℃) under dark conditions, and walnut oil added with 0.02% BHT (mass ratio) was taken as the control group. The physicochemical indexes and fatty acid content of walnut oil with the best oxidation stability were tested. The results showed that the walnut oil of 20% mass ratio Sacha Inchi oil had the best oxidation stability, and its physicochemical indexes including polyphenol (6.185 mg/kg), vitamin E (4 mg/100 g), moisture contents (0.42%), saponification value (131.65 mg/g) and iodine value (150 g/100 g) were all within the scope of national standards. Meanwhile, it could be stored for >43, >20, >10, >5 days at 25, 35, 45 and 55 ℃ respectively. After adding 0.02% mass ratio TBHQ, the shelf life forecast of the walnut oil added with 20% mass ratio Sacha Inchi oil was more than 33 months at 60 ℃ dark conditions. The oxidation stability and quality of walnut oil were significantly improved by adding a proper proportion of Sacha Inchi oil, which could provide a new strategy for walnut oil preservation.
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