为改善纤维素对面团品质的不利影响,将薯渣纤维素(sweet potato residue cellulose, SPRC)进行超微粉碎,并与小麦粉重组制备面团,研究超微粉碎薯渣纤维(ultrafine pulverized sweet potato residue cellulose, UP-SPRC)添加量(质量分数,0%、5%、7%、9%、11%)对面团糊化特性、热机械学性能、拉伸特性以及动态流变学特性的影响。结果表明,与小麦面团相比,UP-SPRC重组面团的品质变差;但与添加5%的普通薯渣纤维 (common powdered sweet potato residue cellulose, CP-SPRC)相比,不同添加量UP-SPRC重组面团的峰值黏度、谷值黏度,最终黏度、衰减值及回生值更低,面团稳定时间更长。同时,添加量为5%和7%的UP-SPRC重组面团,其吸水率和弱化度小于CP-SPRC重组面团,且表现出更好的黏弹性。另外,相同添加量(5%)时,UP-SPRC 对重组面团拉伸力和拉伸距离的影响比CP-SPRC更小。说明超微粉碎不仅可以提高SPRC的用量,还能降低SPRC对面团流变品质的不利影响。
In order to improve the effects of cellulose on dough quality, sweet potato residue cellulose (SPRC) was ultra-pulverized and recombined with wheat flour to prepare reconstituted dough. Meanwhile, the effects of different ultrafine pulverized sweet potato residue cellulose (UP-SPRC) addition (0%, 5%, 7%, 9%, 11%) on the pasting, thermomechanical, tensile and dynamic rheological properties of doughs were investigated. The results showed that compared with wheat dough, UP-SPRC reconstituted dough exhibited worse qualities. However, compared with reconstituted doughs made with 5% common powdered sweet potato residue cellulose (CP-SPRC), reconstituted doughs made with UP-SPRC had lower peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, decay value and setback value, but it showed longer dough stabilization time. Besides, reconstituted doughs made with 5% and 7% UP-SPRC showed lower water absorption, weakening degree, and better viscoelasticity than reconstituted doughs made with CP-SPRC. Moreover, the effect of 5% UP-SPRC on the tensile force and distance of reconstituted doughs was weaker than that of 5% CP-SPRC. These results indicated that ultrafine pulverization could not only increase the amount of SPRC, but also reduce the adverse effect of SPRC on dough rheological quality.
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