建立傅立叶红外光谱仪结合二阶最小二乘法快速鉴别奶粉中三聚氰胺和尿素的方法。先经过图谱分析确定特征吸收峰,再运用SPSS软件进行二阶最小二乘法分析特征吸收峰吸光度和掺伪含量分析显著性,并通过去除异常点增加拟合程度,结合回归分析建立测定三聚氰胺和尿素的线性模型。结果表明,红外光谱测定奶粉中三聚氰胺的线性相关度高达0.999 2,最低检出限为0.744 2 g/100g;测定尿素的线性相关度高达0.999 3,最低检出限为0.042 5 g/100g。该方法准确度高,鉴别速度快,检出限较低,对于奶粉掺伪的快速鉴定具有重要意义。
A method for rapid identification of melamine and urea in milk powder was established by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) combined with second-order least squares (LS). Firstly, the characteristic absorption peaks were determined by spectral analysis, then the second-order least square method was used to analyze the significance of absorption and adulteration concentration of characteristic absorption peaks by SPSS software. Then, combining with regression analysis, the linear model for determination of melamine and urea was established by removing abnormal points and increasing fitting degree. The results showed that the linear correlation of the determination of melamine and urea in milk powder by infrared spectroscopy was as high as 0.999 2 and 0.999 3, respectively. And the corresponding minimum detection limit was 0.744 2 g/100g and 0.042 5 g/100g. The method developed here has high accuracy, fast identification speed and low detection limit. So, it is of great significance for rapid identification of adulterated milk powder.
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