为保障传统发酵食品的质量安全,从豆瓣酱样品中筛选生物胺降解菌株,并研究其在不同盐浓度、温度、pH下对组胺和酪胺(毒性最强的2种生物胺)的降解特性,以便于更好地应用于传统发酵食品。通过研究菌株在磷酸盐缓冲液和在发酵液中对生物胺的降解率以及在发酵液中产生生物胺的能力,最终筛选得到1株具有较强生物胺降解能力的乳酸片球菌(Pediococcus acidilactici)M-28。对该菌株在不同条件下降解组胺和酪胺的能力进行分析,发现P. acidilactici M-28在盐质量浓度为0~90 g/L时对组胺和酪胺均具有较高的降解率,最高降解率分别达到89.02% 和31.49%;该菌株降解生物胺的最适温度为30 ℃,在该条件下对组胺和酪胺降解率分别为65.51%和28.06%;最适pH值为6,在该条件下对组胺和酪胺的降解率分别为62.73%和23.78%。
This study aims to screen and identify biogenic amines-degrading strains. the bacterial isolates having biogenic amines degradation were isolated from Doubanjiang (broad bean paste) samples. One isolate, identified as Pediococcus acidilactici M-28, displayed the remarkable biogenic amines-degrading ability. It degraded histamine and tyramine at the salinity of 0-9% with the highest degrading percentage could reach 89.02% and 31.49%, respectively. At the temperature optimal (30 ℃) it degraded 65.51% of histamine and 28.06% of tyramine, while at the optimal pH (pH 6) it did 62.73% histamine and 23.78% tyramine.
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