该文研究了桑叶魔芋复配粉(以下简称“复配粉”)对老年鼠高牛肉蛋白饮食全肠道及蛋白消化酶活性的影响,以期为复配粉改善老年鼠高牛肉蛋白膳食消化性提供参考。以15月龄BALB/c小鼠为受试动物,AIN-93M饲料组为阴性对照组,以牛肉蛋白含量达50%的AIN-93M饲料为试验组日粮, 其中灌胃江中牌健胃消食片为阳性对照组,灌胃不同剂量(高、中、低)复配粉为试验组,采用全肠道组织测定技术,探究复配粉对老年鼠小肠(十二指肠、空肠、回肠)、大肠(盲肠、直肠、结肠)全肠道组织结构的影响,并通过酶联免疫吸附法测定肠道中蛋白质消化关键酶(胰蛋白酶、肠肽酶)的活性。结果表明,高牛肉蛋白饮食对老年鼠小肠、大肠组织形态结构产生不利影响,而复配粉和消食片均能改善老年鼠高牛肉蛋白饮食对小鼠肠道造成的伤害。老年鼠对高蛋白饮食产生应激反应,刺激蛋白质消化酶活性显著增高,而复配粉则平缓应激反应,显著性降低蛋白酶活性,并呈现剂量关系。因此,该复配粉能改善高牛肉蛋白饮食对老年鼠肠道的损害,促进肠道健康;能够降低机体高蛋白饮食蛋白质消化酶的活性,减轻机体负担,其降低肠道蛋白酶活性而不降低蛋白质消化性的机理有待进一步研究。
In order to provide reference for improving the dietary digestibility of high beef protein in old mice, the effects of the mixture of mulberry leaf powder with konjac flour (hereinafter referred to as "compound powder") on the whole intestine structures and proteinase activities were investigated. The 15-month-old BALB/c mice were used as the experimental animals, AIN-93M standard feed as diet for negative control group (NC, gavaged with normal saline), AIN-93M with beef protein content of 50% for blank control group (BC, gavaged with normal saline) and other groups. And Jianwei Xiaoshi tablet (Jiangzhong brand) was ground and gavaged as the positive control group (PC). Applying different dosage of compound powder gavage (high dose group (HD), middle dose group (MD), and low dose group (LD)), the whole intestinal tissue measurement technology was used to explore the effect of compound powder on small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) and large intestine (cecum, rectum, colon) of old mice. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the activity of key enzymes (trypsin, enteropeptidase) in intestinal protein digestion. The results showed that high beef protein diet was harmful to the structure of intestine, while compound powder and Xiaoshi tablet could alleviate the damage. The old mice had stress response to high protein diet, which stimulated the activity of protein digestive enzyme to increase significantly, while the compound powder was gentle in stress response, significantly reduced the activity of protease, and showed a dose-dependent relationship. Therefore, the intestine damage of old mice by high beef protein diet could be improved by the compound powder. The compound powder can reduce the activity of protein digestive enzyme in high protein diet and the burden of the body. The mechanism of alleviating the activity of intestinal protease without reducing the digestibility of protein needs further study.
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