

  • 黎英 ,
  • 周荣池 ,
  • 刘夏蕾 ,
  • 梁月霜 ,
  • 罗正成 ,
  • 汪美珍
  • (龙岩学院, 福建 龙岩, 364012)
硕士,高级实验师(本文通讯作者, E-mail:liying213fjly@163.com)

收稿日期: 2020-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2020-07-15



Physicochemical and gel properties of pectin from passion fruit peel

  • LI Ying ,
  • ZHOU Rongchi ,
  • LIU Xialei ,
  • LIANG Yuehuang ,
  • LUO Zhengcheng ,
  • WANG Meizhen
  • (Longyan University, Longyan 364012, China)

Received date: 2020-01-06

  Online published: 2020-07-15




黎英 , 周荣池 , 刘夏蕾 , 梁月霜 , 罗正成 , 汪美珍 . 百香果皮果胶的理化及凝胶特性[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(12) : 140 -146 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023269


The physicochemical properties and chromatic aberration of passion fruit pectin were compared with that of commercial citrus pectin. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was analyzed, texture properties were measured, and the effects of mass concentration of pomegranate peel pectin, sucrose addition, pH, temperature, and metal ion type on the gel strength and water holding capacity of passion fruit pectin were also discussed. The results showed that the pectin color of passion fruit peel was yellow-brown. After physical and chemical properties measurement and infrared spectrum analysis, all indexes of passion fruit peel pectin meet national standards. The degree of esterification and galacturonic acid were (66.46±0.41)% and (81.99±1.54)% respectively, which belongs to high-ester pectin. After adding passion fruit peel pectin, the gel texture properties were improved. Gel strength and water holding capacity were positively correlated with pectin mass concentration in passion fruit peels. With the increase of sucrose mass concentration, temperature and pH, the pectin content increased at first and then decreased. Adding Ca2+ and Cu2+ during the gelation process could improve the gelation properties of passion fruit pectin.


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