为探究开菲尔发酵过程中风味物质的变化过程,以采集自阿勒泰地区的开菲尔为实验原料,分离培养其中开菲尔粒,将其接种至杀菌牛乳中。采用顶空气质联用仪(headspace-gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry,HS-GC-MS)检测发酵过程中风味物质的动态变化规律。开菲尔在整个发酵过程中的挥发性风味物质可达到约174种。开菲尔中的风味物质主要是酸类、酯类、酮醛类、烃类、醇类和其他化合物6大类。发酵过程中酸类物质呈现先增加后减少再增加的趋势、酯类化合物在发酵过程中呈现先增加后减少的变化趋势。烃类、酮醛类物质在发酵过程中无明显变化。该文旨为传统开菲尔的品质控制和风味改良提供数据支持。
In order to explore the change of flavor substances in the Kefir fermentation process, Kefir collected from Altay region was used as the experimental raw material. Kefir grains were separated and cultured, and then inoculated into sterilized milk. Headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) was used to detect the dynamic change of flavor substances during fermentation. There were about 174 volatile flavor substances in the whole fermentation process. The flavor substances in Kefir were mainly six categories: acids, esters, ketoaldehydes, hydrocarbons, alcohols and others. During the fermentation process, the acid content increased first, and then decreased and increased. And the ester compounds showed the trend of increasing and then decreasing, while the hydrocarbons and ketone aldehydes did not change significantly. This article aims to provide data support for quality control and flavor improvement of the traditional Kefir.
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