Aiming to evaluate the safeness of starch-based spoons, the overall migration from starch-based spoons to different food simulants was determined. Results showed that the overall migration of spoons in water-based and in acidic food simulants was both significantly higher than that in oily food simulants. It was also found that with increased utilization temperature, the overall migration of starch-based spoons in 4% acetic acid and in 10% ethanol food simulants both increased. As observed by SEM, FTIR and by size- exclusion chromatography, it is likely that the gelatinization of starch, resulting from high temperature, is important in increasing the overall migration to food simulants, which is largely determined by the variation of starch molecular sizes and amylose/amylopectin ratio. Overall, the current study points out that starch-based spoons are not suitable for contacting with water-based and acid food under high temperature and more attention should be paid to reduce the safety risks of starch-based spoons.
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