为探究冻结方式对油条中淀粉特性的影响,该研究采用低温冰箱冻结(refrigerator freeze, RF)、螺旋隧道冻结(spiral tunnel freeze, SF)和液氮喷淋冻结(liquid nitrogen spray freeze, LF)3种冻结方式对预熟油条进行冻结处理,采用扫描电子显微镜观察冻结方式对油条微观结构影响;采用快速黏度分析仪、旋转流变仪测定油条淀粉的糊化特性及动态流变学特性,并通过淀粉糊凝沉性分析比较3种冻结方式对油条淀粉特性的影响。结果表明,扫描电镜观察LF处理油条内瓤孔隙壁仅有极小孔洞,整体组织较为完好,冰晶对组织结构破坏程度最小;LF和SF处理油条淀粉糊的回生值和凝沉性小于RF组,油条不易发生老化,LF冻结的油条回生值最小,凝沉性最少。LF处理油条淀粉溶胀性较好,峰值黏度最大,但淀粉糊崩解值较大,淀粉热稳定性较差;LF处理油条的储能模量(G')值适中,损耗模量(G″)值最小;SF和LF两种冻结方式处理的油条淀粉的凝沉性较弱。因此,低温冰箱冻结速率慢,冰晶生长破坏淀粉分子链,使淀粉分子间内聚力增强,表现出较强的凝沉性,淀粉糊稳定性差;螺旋隧道冻结和液氮喷淋冻结2种冻结速率较快,冰晶生长作用对淀粉分子破坏力小,淀粉糊的凝沉性较弱,凝胶弹性适中,凝胶黏性较小,淀粉分子重结晶程度低,抗老化能力强。
This study aims to explore the mechanism of the effect of freezing mode on starch properties in fried dough sticks. Three freezing methods, namely, refrigerator freeze (RF), spiral tunnel freeze (SF) and liquid nitrogen spray freeze (LF), were used to freeze the pre-prepared dough strips. Scanning electron microscope was used to observe the effect of freezing on the microstructure of the dough strips. Fast viscosity analyzer and rotating rheometer were used to determine the gelatinization and dynamic rheological properties of oil strip starch. The results showed that only tiny holes in the inner pore wall of LF treated deep-fried strips under scanning electron microscope, and the whole structure was relatively intact. LF and SF treated fried dough starch paste had less retrograde value and less coagulability than RF group, and was less prone to aging. LF treated fried dough strip starch had good swelling property and maximum peak viscosity, but the starch paste disintegration value was large and the starch thermal stability was poor. The energy storage modulus (G') value of LF treated fritters was moderate, while the loss modulus (G″) value was minimum. The gelatinization of dough strip starch treated with SF and LF was weak. In conclusion, the freezing rate of RF is slow, whose growth of ice crystals destroys the starch molecular chain, enhances the cohesion of starch molecules. It exhibits strong sedimentation and poor stability of starch paste. Meanwhile, the freezing rates of SF and LF are faster, whose growth of ice crystals has little destructive power to starch molecules, and shows weak starch sedimentation, moderate gel elasticity, low gel viscosity, low degree of recrystallization of starch molecules, as well as strong anti-aging ability.
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