

  • 彭群 ,
  • 段翰英 ,
  • 王超
  • (暨南大学 食品科学与工程系,广东 广州,510632)

收稿日期: 2020-04-23

  修回日期: 2020-05-13

  网络出版日期: 2020-10-23



Preparation and characterization of sweet orange oil nanoemulsion

  • PENG Qun ,
  • DUAN Hanying ,
  • WANG Chao
  • (Department of Food Science and Technology,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)

Received date: 2020-04-23

  Revised date: 2020-05-13

  Online published: 2020-10-23


为提高以茶皂素为乳化剂制备的甜橙油乳液的稳定性,利用高压微射流制备甜橙油纳米乳液,探讨了甜橙油和松香甘油酯含量对乳液性质的影响。采用激光粒度仪、分光光度计、气相色谱-质谱联用(gas chromatography-mass spectrometer,GC-MS)表征其理化性质,包括平均粒径、多分散指数(polydispersity index,PDI)、浊度、浊度损失率和D-柠檬烯氧化率,并利用响应面优化了甜橙油纳米乳液的制备工艺。结果表明,甜橙油纳米乳液的最佳制备工艺为:甜橙油含量(质量分数)为4.05%,松香甘油酯含量(质量分数)为2.17%。在该工艺条件下利用超高压微射流技术制备的甜橙油纳米乳液的平均粒径为(130.8±1.4) nm、PDI为0.178±0.010、浊度为0.322±0.001、浊度损失率为(0.007 2±0.002 3)A/d和D-柠檬烯氧化率为(0.69±0.00)%,所得甜橙油纳米乳液粒径分布呈现良好的分散性,在4 ℃ 60 d的贮藏过程中,其平均粒径<140 nm,PDI<0.3,表现出较好的动力学稳定性。该研究为茶皂素稳定的甜橙油纳米乳液的制备及应用提供一定的参考。


彭群 , 段翰英 , 王超 . 甜橙油纳米乳液的制备与表征[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(18) : 148 -153 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.024282


To improve the stability of sweet orange oil emulsion emulsified by tea saponin,the effect of sweet orange oil content and ester gum content on emulsion properties were investigated. Sweet orange oil nanoemulsion was prepared by high-pressure microfluidization and characterized by laser particle size analyzer,spectrophotometer and gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS),which contained mean droplet size (MDD),polydispersity index(PDI),turbidity, turbidity loss rate and d-limonene oxidation rate. Besides, the response surface methodology was used to optimize the preparation process. The results showed that the optimal sweet orange oil nanoemulsion process was as follows: sweet orange oil mass fraction was 4.05% and ester gum mass fraction was 2.17%. Under these conditions and using high-pressure microfluidization, the MDD, PDI, turbidity, turbidity loss rate and d-limonene oxidation rate of sweet orange oil nanoemulsion were (130.8±1.4) nm, (0.178±0.010), (0.322±0.001), (0.007 2±0.002 3) A/d and (0.69±0.00)%, respectively. The particle size distribution of the nanoemulsion showed good dispersion. The MDD was less than 140 nm and PDI was less than 0.3 when the nanoemulsion was stored at 4 ℃ for 60 days. It showed good dynamic stability. The research provides references for the preparation and application of sweet orange oil nanoemulsion stabilized by tea saponin.


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