
  • 1(安徽农业大学动物科技学院,安徽合肥,230036)2(安徽瑞福祥食品有限公司,安徽亳州,236800)



Screening of strains on fermentation and optimization of fermentation conditions in wheat distiller's grains used for feed

  • 1 (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, 230036, China)

    2 (Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co., Ltd., Bozhou, 236800, China)




李姗, 郭文杰, 李吕木, 等 . 小麦酒精糟饲用发酵菌种筛选及其发酵条件优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 0 : 1 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015750


The aim of this study was to screen the fine fermentation strains of wheat distiller's grains and optimize its solid-state fermentation technology to improve its feed quality. The content of acid soluble protein in the fermentation product was the main factor to evaluate the fermentation of wheat distiller's grains supplemented by wheat middings. The optimal combination of strains that saved in the lab were studied by using a single-factor test. And then optimize the fermentation substrate ratio and solid-state fermentation conditions (inoculation amount, fermentation temperature and fermentation time). On the basis of single factor experiment, response surface methodology was used to optimize the solid-state fermentation conditions. The optimum combination of strains was obtained by Lactobacillus R-02 and Bacillus Subtilis KG109. The best fermentation substrates matrix proportion were as follows: wheat distiller's grains was 38%, wheat middings was 62%. The optimum solid-state fermentation conditions were as follows: inoculation amount was 1.22%, fermentation temperature was 33.45 ℃, fermentation time was 6.78 days. Under these fermentation conditions, acid soluble protein was 4.33%. After optimization of the fermentation of wheat distiller's grains, feed quality has been significantly improved.
