
  • 1 (广东海洋大学食品科技学院,广东 湛江,524088)   2 (广东省水产品加工重点实验室,广东 湛江,524088) 3 (广东省海洋食品工程技术研究中心,广东 湛江,524088)

     4 (广东省普通高等学校水产品深加工重点实验室,广东 湛江,524088)

网络出版日期: 2020-05-14



Optimization of preparation of flavor based on material by microbial composite fermentation of Antarctic krill

  • 1(CollegeofFood Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang524088,China)

    2(GuangdongProvincialKey Laboratory of Aquatic Product Processing and Safety, Zhanjiang 524088, China) 3(Marine Food Engineering and Technology Research Centerof Guangdong Provence, Zhanjiang 524088, China) 4(Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution, Zhanjiang 524088, China)

Online published: 2020-05-14


采用响应面结合模糊数学评价的方法对南极磷虾复合发酵工艺进行优化。以感官评分和氨基态氮含量为指标,对菌种比例、发酵温度、发酵时间、复合发酵剂接种量进行单因素实验。在此基础上,根据Box-Behnken中心组合方法进行3因素3水平的试验设计,并进行响应面分析。结果表明,南极磷虾复合发酵的最佳工艺条件为:植物乳杆菌与鲁氏酵母菌、木糖葡萄球菌比例为1:2:3,发酵温度31℃,发酵时间22 h,接种量4%,在此条件下,南极磷虾发酵液感官评定总分最高为4.39,发酵液营养丰富,风味饱满,口感协调。


章雪琴, 吉宏武, 张迪, 等 . 南极磷虾微生物复合发酵制备呈味基料的工艺优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 0 : 1 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015936


Response surface methodology and fuzzy mathematics evaluation were applied to optimize the fermentation process of Antarctic krill. Taking sensory score and amino nitrogen content as indexes, the single factor experiment was carried out on the proportion of bacteria, fermentation temperature, fermentation time and inoculation quantity of compound starter. Based on the results of single factor experiments, the experiment design of 3 factors and 3 levels was carried out according to the Box-Behnken center combination method, and the response surface analysis was carried out. The results show that the optimum conditions for the fermentation of Antarctic krill: The ratio of Lactobacillus plantarum to Saccharomyces rouxii and Staphylococcus xylosus was 1:2:3, fermentation temperature 31 ℃, fermentation time 22 h, inoculum size 4%.Under this condition, the total score of sensory evaluation of fermented Antarctic krill broth was 4.39. The fermented broth is rich in nutrition, full of flavor, unique and harmonious in taste.
