
  • (广东省生物工程研究所(广州甘蔗糖业研究所) 广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室 广东省生物质高值化利用工程实验室 广东省植物纤维综合利用工程技术研究开发中心 广州市植物纤维综合利用重点实验室,广东 广州,510316)

收稿日期: 2017-06-30

  修回日期: 2017-08-03

  网络出版日期: 2017-11-27

Use of molasses for DHA production by Schizochytrium sp.

  • (Guangdong Provincial Bioengineering Institute (Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute), Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Improvement and Biorefinery, Guangdong Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Biomass High Value Utilization, Guangdong Provincial Engineering Technology Research and Development Center of Biomass Comprehensive Utilization, Guangzhou Key Laboratory of  Biomass Comprehensive Utilization, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510316, China)

Received date: 2017-06-30

  Revised date: 2017-08-03

  Online published: 2017-11-27


对糖蜜作为碳源发酵裂殖壶菌生产二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenic acid,DHA)进行了初步研究:选择不同来源的甘蔗糖蜜与粗糖蜜培养裂殖壶菌生产DHA,考察了糖蜜来源、糖蜜添加比例对裂殖壶菌发酵生物量、菌体油脂含量与DHA含量的影响,结果表明甘蔗糖蜜中的杂质(灰分,胶体)对菌体生长与油脂积累存在明显的抑制作用,即使大幅降低糖蜜添加比例效果也不理想,限制了其作为替代碳源在实际生产上的应用。在此基础上考察了杂质含量相对较低的粗糖蜜的情况,结果表明在添加比例低于80%的情况下,其培养效果与对照葡萄糖非常接近,可以部分替代葡萄糖用于裂殖壶菌发酵生产。

关键词: 裂殖壶菌; DHA; 糖蜜; 发酵


班甲, 陈骏佳, 付尽国, 等 . 糖蜜发酵裂殖壶菌生产二十二碳六烯酸[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2017 , 43(11) : 39 -43 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015075


Docosahexaenic acid production by Schizochytrium sp.using molasses as carbon source was studied: Molasses from different sugar refineries were prepared as carbon source. Molasses sources and molasses proportion in the medium were investigated to evaluate the effect on the resultant dry cell weight, total lipid content and DHA yield. The results indicated that the colloid and excessive metal ions in the cane molasses had the noticeable negative effects on the Schizochytrium sp.growth, the result was depressing even if the proportion of molasses significantly reduced.The application of the cane molasses as a substitute carbon source in the actual production was limited.On this basis the prospect of refined sugar molasses was evaluated.The result was very close between glucose and refined sugar molasses when the refined sugar molasses proportion in the medium is below 80%, refined sugar molasses may partly substitute for glucose as carbon source of Schizochytrium sp.
