
  • (韶关学院 英东食品科学与工程学院,广东 韶关,512005)
邹秀容,硕士,讲师,研究方向:粮食油脂及植物蛋白工程。E-mail: zouxiurong1984@163.com

网络出版日期: 2018-02-05



Optimization of preparation conditions of rice slurry for rice-based fermented beverage

  • (Yingdong College of Food Science and Engineering, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan 512005)

Online published: 2018-02-05


米浆制备是发酵米乳饮料加工的重要工艺环节,对成品品质有很大影响。采用单因素试验对米浆制备的三个重要工序:大米焙烤、米浆液化和糖化工艺进行研究,并采用正交试验优化液化和糖化工艺。结果表明:最优的焙烤条件为180 ℃烘烤15 min;最优的液化工艺条件为在温度80 ℃、耐高温α- 淀粉酶加酶量为30 U/g的情况下液化140 min;最优的糖化工艺条件为温度60 ℃、糖化酶加酶量为300 U/g的情况下糖化6 h。在此条件下,可获得淡淡大米香味的米浆,DE值为99.86%,可溶性固形物含量(soluble solid content,TSS)为9.4%。


邹秀容, 郑征, 朱建华 . 发酵米乳饮料米浆制备工艺条件优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(1) : 138 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015590


The preparation of rice slurry is an important process in the processing of rice based fermented beverage, which has a great influence on the finished product quality. The three important processes of rice slurry preparation include: rice baking, liquefaction and saccharification were investigated by single factor experiment, and orthogonal experiments were used to optimize liquefaction and saccharification process. Results showed: the optimal baking conditions were temperature 180 ℃, time 15 min. Liquefaction conditions were 80 ℃, 140 min,thermostable α-amylase enzyme for 30 U/g. Saccharification conditions were 60 ℃, 6 h, glucoamylase dosage for 300 U/g. Under these condition, rice slurry tasted light fragrance of rice, the DE value and soluble solid content(TSS) were 99.86%, 9.4%, respectively.

Key words: rice slurry; rice baking; liquefaction; saccharification; rice based fermented beverage

