pH 和 NaCl 质量浓度对发酵鱼糜中腐败菌 Aeromonas veronii bv. veronii 群体感应的影响

  • 1(浙江省农业科学院 食品科学研究所,浙江省 杭州市 310021)2(浙江工业大学 海洋学院,浙江省 杭州市310014)

网络出版日期: 2018-03-14



Effects of pH and NaCl concentration on quorum sensing of Aeromonas veronii bv. veronii isolated from fermented surim

  • 1 (Food Science Institute,ZhejiangAcademyof Agricultural Sciences,ZhejiangHangzhou310021,China) 2 (Ocean College,ZhejiangUniversity of Technology,ZhejiangHangzhou310014,China)

Online published: 2018-03-14


细菌通过群体感应(Quorum sensing,QS)系统来调控自身一些代谢行为,如生物膜的形成、鞭毛运动等,可引起食品腐败和食源性疾病,分析环境因素对细菌QS的影响对控制水产品质量安全具有重要意义。该研究以发酵鱼糜中分离的腐败菌Aeromonasveroniibv.veronii为研究对象,利用生物报告菌根癌农杆菌及激光共聚焦显微镜等技术分析了pH(6.0、7.0、8.0)和NaCl(0.5%、1.0%、2.0%)对细菌N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯(N-acyl homoserine lactone,AHL)类信号分子介导的QS及代谢行为的影响。研究发现,培养基初始pH为8.0或NaCl浓度为2.0%时能显著降低细菌产生的AHLs活性、生物膜形成能力及泳动能力(P< 0.05)。由此认为,通过控制环境中的pH和NaCl浓度能影响细菌合成AHLs及其QS系统的表达,并调控细菌的代谢行为。


赵丹丹 , 刘琳 , 王迪 , 等 . pH 和 NaCl 质量浓度对发酵鱼糜中腐败菌 Aeromonas veronii bv. veronii 群体感应的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(2) : 33 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015488


he expression of several metabolic behaviors of bacteria including biofilm formation and swimming motility, which can cause food spoilage and foodborne desease, is generally regulated by quorum sensing (QS), so it makes sense to analyze the effects of environmental factors on bacterial QS for the quality and safety control of fish products.In the study, bioreporter (Agrobacterium tumefaeiensA136) and confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) were applied to observe the effects of different pH (6.0, 7.0, 8.0) and NaCl concentration (0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%) onN-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) type QS and metabolic behaviors ofAeromonasveroniibv.veroniiisolated from fermented surimi.The results showed that the initial pH of 8.0 and NaCl of 2.0% could inhibit the AHL production, biofilm formation and swimming motility (P< 0.05). It was suggested thatpH and NaCl concentration could affect the AHL production and the expression of bacterial QS and thus affect the regulation of bacterial behaviors by QS.
