
  • 1(天津科技大学生物工程学院,天津,300457)2(啤酒生物发酵工程国家重点实验室,山东 青岛,266000)          3(青岛啤酒股份有限公司,山东 青岛,266000)

网络出版日期: 2018-03-14



Effects of malt matching and amylase activity on sugar composition of wort

  • 1(Bioengineering College of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, 300457) 2(State Key Laboratory of Biological Fermentation Engineering of Beer, Shan Dong, Tsingtao, 266000) 3(Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd, Shan Dong, Tsingtao, 266000)

Online published: 2018-03-14


麦芽中α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶和极限糊精酶是参与淀粉水解的主要酶系,其含量和比例影响糖化麦汁糖组分,进而影响酵母的发酵及成品酒的风味。文章分析了不同产地(加拿大、澳大利亚)、不同品种(Metcalfe、Copeland、Hind marsh、Bass、Baudin、Scope、Gairdner)麦芽淀粉酶系活力,发现加拿大麦芽淀粉酶活力普遍高于澳大利亚麦芽,且品种间存在显著差异;通过研究麦芽淀粉酶系活力与常规指标的关系,发现常规指标糖化力与β-淀粉酶与极限糊精酶活力存在显著相关性;其次,将酶系活力差异较大的麦芽按照不同比例进行搭配,分析搭配前后酶活力变化,发现搭配后三种酶活实际值均高于按比例计算的理论值,表明麦芽搭配具有协同作用;为进一步研究淀粉酶活力对麦汁糖组分的影响,模拟大生产含辅料的糖化工艺进行麦汁制备,分析配方麦芽淀粉酶活力与麦汁糖组成的关系,发现影响麦汁极限发酵度、可发酵性糖比例的关键酶为极限糊精酶。本研究为啤酒酿造过程中原料配方、酶制剂添加以及麦汁组分的一致性控制提供理论基础。


韩智立 , 胡淑敏 , 刘佳 , 等 . 麦芽搭配及淀粉酶系活力对麦汁糖组分的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(2) : 40 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015263


Alpha amylase, beta amylase and limit dextrinase are the main enzymes of starch hydrolysis in malt, it’s content and proportion affect the sugar spectrum of wort, and then influence the fermenting performance of yeast and beer quality . The article analyses the malt amylase activity from different areas (Canadian and Australian) and varieties (Metcalfe、Copeland、Hind marsh、Bass、Baudin、Scope、Gairdner) , it was found that the amylase activity of Canadian malt is generally higher than Australian malt and there were great differences in different varieties,. By analysis the relationship between amylase activity and it’s conventional indicators, the result shows that there is a strong correlation between the diastatic power and beta amylase and limit dextrinase . Then blend the barley malt according to different enzyme activity, the change of enzyme activity before and after mixing was analyzed, found after mixing three enzymes activity of malt are higher than the theoretical values calculated in proportion, the result indicates that malt collocation can bring synergistic effect. In order to further study the amylase activity has effect on the wort sugar, the wort was prepared by the Saccharification process that containing auxiliary material (rice), the relationship between amylase activity and the sugar composition of mixed malt’s wort was analyzed, we found that the key enzyme affecting limit attenuation and the ratio of fermentable sugars in wort is the limit dextrinase. This study provided a theoretical basis for the raw material prescription, the addition of enzymes and consistence of wort components.
