根据2016年对浙江省沿海城市及部分海域的4类生鲜水产品(贝类、甲壳类、头足类和鱼类)中无机砷和汞的含量与分布监测数据,对其含量水平、分布与变化特征进行了分析讨论。采用单因子污染指数法评价水产品中无机砷和汞的污染程度,通过计算膳食暴露量风险商(hazard quotient,HQ),进行食用安全性风险评估。结果表明,无机砷的检出率为25.1%,有检出的样品中贝类占88.7%,海捕虾、鱿鱼、甲鱼及鱼类(包括黄姑鱼、黑鲷、大黄鱼、石斑鱼、鲈鱼)无机砷均未检出。青蛤的检出率最高,为65.6%,但无超标样品。缢蛏体内的无机砷含量均值最高,超标率为3.7%。汞的检出率为100%,鱼类(包括黄姑鱼、黑鲷、大黄鱼、石斑鱼)中汞含量高于其他3类;贝类中泥蚶的汞含量最高,均值为0.03 mg/kg;甲壳类青蟹的汞含量最高,均值为0.04 mg/kg;头足类中乌贼的汞含量最高,均值为0.03 mg/kg。4类生鲜水产品中汞含量远远低于限定值。比较贝类中无机砷和汞含量发现,无机砷含量要远远高于汞。汞含量在种间差异不显著(p>0.05),无机砷含量在种间差异显著(p<0.05),缢蛏中无机砷含量最高。污染程度评价和膳食暴露量风险评估结果为:缢蛏和泥蚶体内的无机砷处于轻污染水平,其他均为未污染水平;4类生鲜水产品中无机砷和汞的HQ远远小于1,不会危害人体健康。
The contents, distributions and variation features of inorganic arsenic and mercury in aquatic products (shellfish, crustaceans, cephalopods and fishes) were analyzed and discussed. The samples were collected from coastal cities and sea near Zhejiang province in 2016. The degree of heavy metal pollution in aquatic products was evaluated by single factor pollution index (Pi). A preliminary assessment of safety of heavy metal in aquatic products was finished based on comparisons between heavy metal intake from aquatic products and adult acceptable daily intake. The detection rate of inorganic arsenic in aquatic products was 25.1% and shellfish was accounted 88.7% of the total. The inorganic arsenic was not detected in shrimp, squid, turtle and fish. The highest detection rate was Cyclina sinensis of 65.6%, but no sample exceed the national standard. Inorganic arsenic content in Sinonovaculaconstrzcta was the highest of 3.7%, higher than the national standard. The detection rate of Hg was 100%. Mercury in fishes was the highest. Arca Granosa has the highest mercury in shellfish, and the average was 0.03 mg/kg. Scylla serrata has the highest mercury content with an average of 0.04 mg/kg. Sepioidea has the highest mercury content in cephalopods. Inorganic arsenic content was much higher than mercury content in shellfish. There was no significant difference in mercury among species(p>0.05). The content of inorganic arsenic was significantly different among species (p<0.05). The inorganic arsenic contents in the Sinonovacula constrzcta and Tegillarca granosa were in the range of slightly polluted. Mercury and inorganic arsenic of HQ is far less than 1, which will not endanger human health.
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