
  • (北京燕京啤酒股份有限公司,燕京啤酒酿造技术北京市重点实验室,北京,101300)

网络出版日期: 2018-07-04

Evaluation on flocculation of Sacchamyces cerevisiae by gene expression analysis

  • (Beijing Yanjing Beer Brewery Company LTD, Yanjing Beer Key Laboratory of Brewing Technology,Beijing 101300, China)

Online published: 2018-07-04


为筛选弱絮凝性酵母菌株YJ085,通过糖抑制实验确定酵母絮凝表型和絮凝基因型,以荧光定量PCR为技术手段,建立酵母基因表达量分析方法,对弱絮凝性酵母菌株生长过程进行转录水平的基因表达量变化评价。在下面酵母发酵过程中,絮凝基因的表达量与酵母增殖数量呈负相关。弱絮凝性酵母菌株YJ085的絮凝表型为New FLO型,通过对不同时间点的发酵液取样,提取酵母RNA,分析得出YJ085与对照菌株在生长过程中絮凝基因的表达量变化,絮凝主要受FLO絮凝基因家族中的FLO5及Lg-FLO1基因调控,FLO1、FLO11表达量在发酵过程始终维持在较低表达量,FLO10基因不表达,经絮凝基因表达量分析发现,YJ085各絮凝基因表达量均小于对照菌株,絮凝基因表达量的变化导致其凝聚性降低了63.98%,从基因层面阐述了菌株凝聚性弱的原因。


郭立芸, 谢鑫, 梁云 . 应用絮凝基因表达量分析技术评价酵母菌株的絮凝性[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(5) : 70 -75 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016467


In order to evaluate the strain YJ 085# with weak flocculation ability, carbohydrate inhibition experiment were established for identification of its flocculation phenotype.Gene expression analysis through real time PCR (qPCR) was carried out to reveal the transcription level during fermentation process.Sugar experiment revealed that the phenotype of YJ085# was New FLO.RNA extraction and gene expression showed that levels of FLO family gene were significant low compared with control.FLO10 was "silenced".Expression of FLO1 and FLO11 remained low during the fermentation process.Gene FlO5 and Lg-FLO1 were the dominate genes which affects flocculation ability.Compared to the control strain, the flocculation performance of strain 085# was decreased by 63.98%, which revealed the molecular foundation of weak flocculation ability of YJ085#.
