以分离自市售商品、发酵萝卜和发酵面团的48株乳酸菌(lactic acid bacteria, LAB)为对象,评价其安全性和工业化应用前景。这48株菌中,有41株菌没有检测到腐胺、尸胺、组胺、酪胺、精胺和亚精胺的形成;有41株菌没有检测到溶解明胶的活性;有36株菌没有表现出明显溶解羊血的特性;有2株菌(QKL2和7)形成L-乳酸的光学纯度为91%,这2株菌不产生物胺、不溶解明胶且不对羊血产生明显溶解圈。这2株菌对低质量浓度(≤20 mg/L)的红霉素和阿莫西林表现为敏感,QKL7对大肠杆菌和酵母菌的抑制力要高于QKL2,但该菌对葡萄糖的理论利用率低。因此,试验获得了2株食用安全度高的LAB菌株,这2株菌形成的复合菌将是预防食品和饲草腐败的益生菌剂。
The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of 48 lactic acid bacterial (LAB) strains that had previously been isolated from different food products such as yoghurt, goat's milk, cheese, spontaneous fermented green turnip and wheat flour, scallop, and oyster.The results showed that 41 LAB strains had no the tested biogenic amines (cadaverine, putrescine, histamine, tyramine, spermine, and spermidine), 41 LAB strains had no abilities to perform gelaune liquefaction, and 36 LAB strains could not or slightly dissolve sheep blood.However, among the tested strains, only QKL2 and QKL 7 produced the highly pure L-lactic acid (91%).Furthermore, these two strains showed sensitivity to low concentrations of two antibiotics (erythromycin and amoxicillin).QKL7 showed higher antimicrobial activity in comparison with QKL2, but it had lower glucose utilization due to the formation of carbon dioxide during fermentation.Based on these results, two strains, QKL2 and QKL 7, could be considered as interesting candidates for selection of starter cultures or probiotics for different applications.