
  • (西南大学 食品科学学院,食品科学与工程国家级实验教学示范中心,重庆,400715)

网络出版日期: 2018-07-05



Effects of ultrasonic treatment on emulsifying properties of chickpea protein

  • (College of Food Science, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Food Science and Technology Education,Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Online published: 2018-07-05


鹰嘴豆蛋白是一种营养丰富、消化率高的植物蛋白,超声处理可改善其乳化性,但超声处理条件(功率、时间)对其乳化性影响程度以及超声处理后的鹰嘴豆蛋白在环境因素(温度、pH值)影响下乳化性的变化规律尚未清楚。因此,以鹰嘴豆蛋白为原料,研究超声处理条件对鹰嘴豆蛋白乳化性的影响。结果表明,超声功率小于396 W或超声时间小于15 min时,超声处理可显著改善鹰嘴豆蛋白的乳化性。当超声功率过高(600 W)或时间过长(30 min)时,鹰嘴豆蛋白的乳化性减弱。蛋白质处于等电点附近(pH 4~5)乳化性最低,在pH 6~8时乳化性较高,在温度为50~60 ℃时乳化性较高。可见,适当的超声处理可改善鹰嘴豆蛋白乳化性,超声处理后鹰嘴豆蛋白的乳化性质在不同环境下存在差异。该研究可为鹰嘴豆蛋白相关产品的开发利用提供理论参考。

关键词 鹰嘴豆蛋白;乳化性;超声


刘昕, 金明良, 覃小丽, 等 . 超声处理对鹰嘴豆蛋白乳化性的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(5) : 142 -147 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015550


Chickpea protein is rich in nutrient and has high digestibility, ultrasound can improve its emulsifying properties, but effect of ultrasonic treatment on the emulsifying properties of chickpea protein and effect of environmental factors (temperature, pH) on the emulsifying properties of chickpea protein treated by ultrasound have not yet been reported.Therefore, the effect of ultrasonic treatment on emulsifying properties of chickpea protein was studied in this paper.The results showed that ultrasonic treatment could significantly improve the emulsifying properties of chickpea protein when the ultrasonic power was less than 396 W or the ultrasonic time was less than 15 min.The emulsifying properties of chickpea protein were reduced when ultrasonic power and ultrasonic time increased to 600 W and 30 min, respectively.The emulsifying property was the lowest at the isoelectric point (pH 4-5) and was the highest at pH of 6-8.When temperature was 50-60 ℃, the emulsification property of chickpea protein was higher.The results indicated that proper ultrasonic treatment could improve the emulsifying properties of chickpea protein, which will provide theoretical reference for the development and utilization of chickpea protein.
