以富含γ-氨基丁酸和黄酮的黄豆芽为原料研制黄豆芽口服液。超声法制备黄豆芽提取液的最佳条件为超声功率540 W,超声温度65 ℃,超声时间35 min,料液比1∶30(g∶mL)。利用正交试验设计优化口服液感官品质,最优配方为蜂蜜2.5%(质量分数),蔗糖8.0%(质量分数),食盐0.1%(质量分数),黄原胶1.5%(质量分数),在此条件下调配的口服液色泽均匀,呈淡黄色,具有浓厚的豆芽香味,酸甜可口,口感良好,具有较好的稳定性。显示黄豆芽口服液中γ-氨基丁酸含量为0.58 mg/mL,黄酮含量为0.36 mg/mL。
The soybean sprouts oral liquid is prepared by soybean sprouts rich in γ-amino butyric acid and flavone.Soybean sprout extraction process by ultrasonic was optimized through orthogonal tests on the basis of signal factor experiment.The result indicated that the optimal extracting conditions were: ultrasonic power, 540W; ultrasonic temperature, 65 ℃; extracting for 35 min, and the ratio of material to liquid 1∶30.The optimization of oral liquid formula was also carried out by orthogonal tests, and the optimum formula was: honey 2.5%, saccharose 8.0%, salt 0.1% and xanthan gum 1.5%.Under the above conditions, the oral liquid had a light yellow color, strong sprouts fragrance, delicious taste, good stability, and containing 0.58mg/mL γ-amino butyric acid and 0.36mg/mL total flavone.