固相微萃取 - 气相色谱 - 串联质谱法测定水生蔬菜中 35 种多氯联苯

  • (中山出入境检验检疫局,广东 中山,528400)

网络出版日期: 2018-07-06


广东省省级科技计划项目(2015A050502010、2014A0 40401011);中山市科技计划项目(2016B2168)

Determination of 35 polychlorinated biphenyls in aquatic vegetables bysolid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry

  • (Zhongshan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Zhongshan 528400, China)

Online published: 2018-07-06


建立了固相微萃取-气相色谱-串联质谱法测定水生蔬菜中35种多氯联苯的方法。采用100 μm聚二甲基硅氧烷萃取纤维,在萃取温度60 ℃、转动速度250 r/min的条件下萃取30 min,经气相色谱进样口280 ℃解吸6 min后,采用气相色谱-串联质谱法在时间选择反应监测模式下进行测定,外标法定量。结果表明,35种目标物在10~500 μg/L内呈良好线性,线性相关系数均大于0.999,方法检出限为0.55~17.22 ng/kg;在0.01 mg/kg加标水平的平均回收率为72.3%~117.3%,相对标准偏差为1.2%~11.2%。该方法简便、快速、灵敏、准确,适用于水生蔬菜中多种多氯联苯残留量的快速测定。


谢思思, 卢俊文, 李蓉, 等 . 固相微萃取 - 气相色谱 - 串联质谱法测定水生蔬菜中 35 种多氯联苯[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(5) : 249 -255 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.014985


A solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method was developed for the determination of 35 polychlorinated biphenyls in aquatic vegetables.Samples were extracted with 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane at 60 ℃ for 30 min, and stirring at 250 r/min.After desorbed 6 min at 280 ℃ in gas chromatograph, sample extracts were injected and analyzed by GC-MS/MS at time selective reaction monitoring mode, and quantified by external standard method.The results showed that 35 target analysts displayed good linear relationships over concentration range of 10-500 μg/L, and correlation coefficients above 0.999.The limits of detection were 0.55-17.22 ng/kg.The average recoveries of 35 compounds at two spiked levels of 0.01 mg/kg ranged from 72.3% to 117.3%, with relative standard deviations of 1.2% to 11.2%.The advantages of simplicity, rapidness, sensitiveness and accuracy of the method was suitable for rapid detection of PCBs residues in aquatic vegetables.
