
  • 1(教育部工业生物技术重点实验室,江南大学 生物工程学院,酿造微生物与应用酶学研究室,江苏 无锡, 214122) 2(广东省九江酒厂有限公司,广东 佛山,528203)

网络出版日期: 2018-08-02



Sugars and sugar alcohols in traditional bingqu and mechanical-making moldy bran (Fuqu) for Chixiang aroma type liquor

  • 1 ( Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology,Ministry of Education,Laboratory of Brewing Microbiology and Applied Enzymology, School of Biotechnology,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China) 2 (Jiujiang Liquor Industry Co.Ltd, Fuoshan 528203,China)

Online published: 2018-08-02


为了解豉香型小曲中糖类化合物组成及传统工艺与机械化曲的差异,采用肟化-硅烷化衍生法结合气相色谱-质谱技术(gas chromatography mass spectrometry,GC-MS),研究了2种曲中的糖及糖醇。结果表明,在豉香型传统工艺饼曲及机械化麸曲中均检测到17种糖和糖醇及甘油;2种曲中均是单糖含量最高而糖醇种类最多;差异化合物主要是L-苏糖醇、D-阿拉伯糖醇及海藻糖;豉香型饼曲海藻糖含量高于麸曲及大曲,可能是豉香型饼曲的典型特征。


王晨晶 , 范文来 , 徐岩 , 等 . 豉香型传统工艺饼曲及机械化麸曲中的糖和糖醇[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(6) : 235 -239 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016479


In order to clarify the difference of sugars and sugar alcohols between the traditional Bingqu, a kind of Xiaoqu, and mechanical-making moldy bran (Fuqu) for Chixiang aroma type liquor, the water-extract of Bingqu and Fuqu were used to produce trimethylsilyl oximes derivatives, and the trace compounds were identified and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that 17 kinds of sugars and sugar alcohols were found both in traditional Qu and mechanical-making moldy bran for Chixiang aroma type liquor. The concentrations of monosaccharides and the classes of polyols were the highest among all compounds in Qu detected by GC-MS. The main different compounds between two Qus were L-threitol, D-altitols, and trehalose. The concentration of trehalose in bingqu for Chixiang aroma type liquor was higher than that in mechanical-making moldy bran and daqu, thus it could be a characteristic compound of Bingqu for Chixiang aroma type liquor.
