该文研究海藻酸钠的添加对乳清分离蛋白溶液稳定性的影响。随海藻酸钠添加量增加,复合溶液的ζ-电位值逐渐降低,粒径和浊度均先增大后减小,生物显微镜和荧光显微镜观察到的微观结构均由混乱无序变为均匀有序。当pH值接近乳清分离蛋白等电点时,与乳清分离蛋白溶液相比,复合溶液受到的影响较小,稳定性更强。当NaCl浓度增大到0.20 mol/L时,复合溶液的稳定性明显减弱,在生物显微镜图像中观察到复合物出现絮凝,在荧光显微镜图像中观察到聚集。乳清分离蛋白和海藻酸钠的质量比为3∶2.5时,复合溶液的稳定性最佳。结果表明,添加适量的海藻酸钠可有效改善乳清分离蛋白溶液的稳定性。研究结果为拓展乳清分离蛋白的使用范围和乳清分离蛋白-海藻酸钠复合溶液在食品工业中的应用提供技术参考和借鉴。
The effect of sodium alginate amount on the stability of whey protein solution was studied. The result showed that with the increase of sodium alginate amount, the ζ-potential of the whey protein-based solution decreased gradually, and the particle size and turbidity of the whey protein-based solution increased first and then decreased, and the microstructure of microscopy and fluorescence microscopy changed from disorder to uniform order. When pH value is close to the innate point of the whey protein isolate, the stability of the whey protein-based solution was better than that of whey protein solution. When NaCl concentration increased to 0.20 mol/L, the stability of the whey protein-based solution was weakened obviously. In the microscope image, the complexes flocculate and the fluorescence appears to accumulate. When the mass ratio of whey protein and sodium alginate was 3∶2.5, the stability of the whey protein-based solution was the best. The results showed that sodium alginate improved the stability of the whey protein solution significantly, which can expand the use of whey protein isolate and provide technical reference for the application of whey protein-based solution in food industries.