
  • 谢雅雯 ,
  • 涂宗财 ,
  • 张露 ,
  • 等.
  • 1(江西师范大学 生命科学学院,功能有机小分子教育部重点实验室,江西 南昌,330022) 2(南昌大学,食品与科学技术国家重点实验室,江西 南昌,330047)

收稿日期: 2017-10-27

  修回日期: 2018-01-10

  网络出版日期: 2018-11-23



Effects of dynamic high pressure microfluidization pretreatment combined withglycation on thermal stability and structure of β-lactoglobulin

  • .XIE Ya-wen ,
  • TU Zong- cai ,
  • ZHANG Lu ,
  • et al.
  • 1(College of Life Science , Key Laboratory of Functional Small Organic Molecule, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China) 2(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China)

Received date: 2017-10-27

  Revised date: 2018-01-10

  Online published: 2018-11-23


采用动态高压微射流(dynamic high pressure microfluidization,DHPM)协同葡聚糖糖基化处理对β-乳球蛋白(β-lactoglobulin,β-Lg)进行改性,研究其热稳定性和结构的变化。结果表明,β-Lg的峰顶温度为73.48 ℃,经DHPM不同压力(40、80、120 MPa)处理后,其热稳定性先下降后上升,但经DHPM协同糖基化处理后,其热稳定性均呈上升趋势。理化分析结果显示,80 MPa DHPM协同糖基化处理的β-Lg具有最低的游离氨基酸含量(2.20 mg/mL)和最高的褐变程度(A294=1.092,A420=0.062),说明DHPM预处理可以促进β-Lg-葡聚糖的糖基化反应,且80 MPa为最佳处理压力。结构分析表明,DHPM处理可明显提高β-Lg的表面疏水性和自由巯基含量,降低其内源荧光强度,使其发生二级结构变化。经DHPM协同糖基化处理后,β-Lg的表面疏水性有所降低,但仍高于天然β-Lg的表面疏水;自由巯基含量呈现先降低后升高趋势,在80 MPa时明显高于天然β-Lg,内源荧光强度随着压力的增加呈先降低后上升的趋势,但均明显低于天然β-Lg的内源荧光强度。因此,DHPM 80 MPa预处理样品具有最高的热稳定性和糖基化程度,且β-Lg的糖基化程度越高,其热稳定性越好。


谢雅雯 , 涂宗财 , 张露 , 等. . 动态高压微射流协同糖基化处理对β-乳球蛋白热稳定性和结构的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(10) : 110 -117 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016126


Effects of dynamic high pressure microfluidization (DHPM) pretreatment (0, 40, 80 and 120 MPa) combined with dextran glycation on thermal stability and structure of β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) were investigated. The results showed that the peak temperature of β-Lg is 73.48 ℃, which decreased first and then increased after pretreated by DHPM at 40, 80 and 120 MPa. However, the thermal stability was improved after DHPM pre-treatment combined with glycation. Physiochemical analysis revealed that glycated β-Lg pretreated with DHPM at 80 MPa gave the lowest free amino (2.20 mg/mL) and the highest browning degree (A294=1.092,A420=0.620), suggesting that DHPM pre-treatment can promote glycation of β-Lg and dextran, and 80 MPa is the best pressure. Structural analysis indicated that DHPM pre-treatment can obviously improve the surface hydrophobicity and free sulfhydryl groups content, reduce the intrinsic fluorescence intensity, and change the secondary structure of β-Lg. After DHPM pre-treatment and glycation, the surface hydrophobicity of β-Lg was significantly reduced, but still higher than that of natural β-Lg, the content of free sulfhydryl groups increased first and then decreased with pre-treatment pressure, β-Lg content in 80 MPa pre-treated group was much higher than that of natural β-Lg. The intrinsic fluorescence intensity showed an adverse change trend with free sulfhydryl groups, but it still much lower than that of natural β-Lg. Therefore, β-Lg pre-treated with 80 MPa has the highest thermal stability and glycation degree, and the higher the glycation degree of β-Lg resulted, the better thermal stability it will be.
