
  • 徐廷弼 ,
  • 钮成拓 ,
  • 王琪 ,
  • (江南大学 生物工程学院,工业生物技术教育部重点实验室,江苏 无锡,214122)

收稿日期: 2018-03-18

  修回日期: 2018-04-24

  网络出版日期: 2018-11-27


国家自然科学基金(31571942,&No.31601558);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD);国家高新技术研究发展计划(863计划,2013AA102106-03);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20150159);江苏基础研究资助项目(JUSRP51306A, JUSRP51402A & JUDCF13008)

Detection of bacteria from air and equipment of chili sauce′s production based on gene sequencing

  • XU Ting-bi ,
  • NIU Cheng-tuo ,
  • WANG Qi ,
  • et al
  • (The Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

Received date: 2018-03-18

  Revised date: 2018-04-24

  Online published: 2018-11-27


为进一步阐明辣椒酱中产气细菌的来源和引入阶段,采用传统培养基培养方法和16S rDNA测序方法对存在产气现象的辣椒酱生产设备和空气中的细菌菌群种类和含量进行了分析。结果从辣椒酱生产设备和车间空气中分离到6种好氧细菌和16种厌氧细菌。在原料仓库、炒制间和包装间空气中好氧细菌菌群密度分别为3.0×102、1.3×104、8.2×102 CFU/m3,而厌氧细菌菌群密度分别为1.4×103、3.4×103、7.0×101 CFU/m3;设备中好氧菌菌群密度分别为:1.4×105、7.6×105、3.6×107 CFU/g,而厌氧细菌菌群密度分别为2.1×105、8.7×105、7.4×107 CFU/g。设备中好氧菌群密度为:经过16S rDNA 测序鉴定,芽孢杆菌属细菌在各工段中均占明显优势。在3个生产工段好氧细菌中产芽孢菌占比分别为52.31%、80.23%、100.00%,而在厌氧细菌中产芽孢菌占比分别为28.69%、80.23%、65.00%。综合细菌种类和总数,结论为传统加热灭菌无法有效杀灭产芽孢菌,同时包装线具有二次污染隐患。


徐廷弼 , 钮成拓 , 王琪 , . 基于基因测序技术对辣椒酱生产设备和空气中的细菌检测[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018 , 44(10) : 225 -230 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017303


There is a problem of flatulence in the production of modern chili sauce. Previous studies have shown that it was mainly caused by bacteria. To further clarify the source of the gas production in chili sauce, the traditional culture medium and 16S rDNA sequencing were used to analyze the species and content of the bacteria from the chili sauce production equipment and the air of the workshop. The MRS and LB mediums were used to isolate six aerobic bacteria and sixteen anaerobes from above samplings. The aerobic bacterial density in the air of raw material storehouse, frying room, and packaging room is 3.0×102, 1.3×104, 8.2×102 CFU/m3 respectively, while the anaerobic bacteria density is 1.4×103,3.4×103,7.0×101 CFU/m3 respectively. The aerobic bacterial density in the equipments of raw material storehouse, frying room, and packaging room is 1.4×105,7.6×105,3.6×107 CFU/g respectively, while the anaerobic bacteria density is 2.1×105, 8.7×105, 7.4×107 CFU/g respectively. By 16S rDNA sequencing, genus Bacillus was dominant in each section. In three production sections, the proportion of Bacillus was 52.31%, 80.23%, 100.00% respectively, while in anaerobic bacteria, the percentage of Bacillus was 28.69%, 80.23%, 65.00% respectively. Based on the species and the total number of bacteria, it was concluded that the traditional heating sterilization could not efficiently kill the Bacillus, and the packaging line had the risk of pollution hazards.
