以风味导向技术为学术指导思想,研究具有优良酿造功能的微生物的理性组合培养策略,为白酒酿造微生物研究提供新的思路。比较不同酿酒功能微生物的糖化力、蛋白水解能力、产风味及酸、醇、酯的能力,通过理性组合的策略设计了4组不同的酿酒功能微生物组合。组合发酵结果表明酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)C-1、东方伊萨酵母(Issatchenkia orientalis)HH-2和米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)P6A-3的组合具有较好的产酯能力,其发酵出的酒风味优于其他组合。
Using the flavor-oriented technology as a guide to brew the Chinese liquor, the rational combination and cultivation strategy of microorganisms with good brewing function was studied to provide new ideas for the research on liquor brewing microorganisms. Comparing the saccharification capacity, proteolytic ability, and flavor of different wine-making functional microorganisms and the contents of acid, alcohol and ester in their products, four groups of different wine functional microbial combinations were designed through a rational combination strategy. The combined fermentation results showed that the combination of Saccharomyces cerevisiae C-1, Issatchenkia orientalis HH-2 and Aspergillus oryzae P6A-3 had better ester-producing ability and its fermented wine smell better compared with the other combinations.
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