该研究探究超声处理对肾豆蛋白乳化活性的影响及考察超声处理前后肾豆蛋白在典型环境因素(pH、温度)影响下乳化活性的变化规律。结果表明,在240 W的超声功率和10 min的超声时间下,超声处理增强肾豆蛋白的乳化活性,且在40 ℃时乳化活性指数可增大37.12%。高强度超声功率(≥360 W)或长时间超声处理(≥20 min)使肾豆蛋白乳化活性减弱,70 ℃时在360 W的超声功率下处理10 min可使乳化活性指数减小50.36%。肾豆蛋白在等电点附近(pH 4~5)的乳化活性最低,在pH 7~8的乳化活性较高,在温度40~70 ℃的乳化活性较高。扫描电镜和红外光谱的分析结果表明超声处理使肾豆蛋白的微观形貌和二级结构发生改变,拉曼光谱的分析结果进一步表明超声处理主要通过改变α-螺旋、β-折叠和β-转角的含量从而改变肾豆蛋白的二级结构。
The effect of ultrasonic treatment on the emulsifying activity of kidney bean protein and the influence of environmental factors such as pH and temperature on the emulsifying activity before and after ultrasonic treatment were studied. The results showed that ultrasonic treatment enhanced the emulsifying activity when ultrasonic power and ultrasonic time were 240 W and 10 min, respectively, and the emulsifying activity index increased by 37.12% at 40 ℃. High-intensity ultrasonic power (≥360 W) or prolonged ultrasonic time (≥20 min) weakened the emulsifying activity. Under the ultrasonic power of 360 W for 10 min, the emulsifying activity index decreased by 50.36% at 70 ℃. Kidney bean protein emulsifying activity was the worst near the isoelectric point (pH 4-5), better at pH 7-8 and 40-70 ℃. Scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy analysis results showed that ultrasonic treatment changed micro-morphology and secondary structure, and results from Raman spectroscopy showed that ultrasonic treatment changed the secondary structure of kidney bean protein mainly by changing the composition of α-helix, β-sheet and β-turn angles.
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