以菌株EC1118、KD、X16、D254、BO213发酵的无花果酒为研究对象,通过气相色谱对不同商业酵母发酵的无花果酒中高级醇进行分析比较,并对无花果汁及酒中氨基酸的含量进行分析比较,通过聚类分析将不同酵母发酵的酒进行聚类,筛选出较优的菌株。结果表明:5株酵母发酵的无花果酒中主要检测到正丙醇、异丁醇、异戊醇、苯乙醇,各菌株发酵的酒中高级醇总量依次为:EC1118>KD>X16>D254>BO213,异戊醇是各菌株发酵酒中主要的高级醇,无花果汁及酒中均检测到17种氨基酸,总游离氨基酸含量依次为:无花果汁>X16>BO213>EC1118>KD>D254,各菌株的总游离氨基酸含量存在显著差异(p<0.05),菌株X16发酵的酒中总游离氨基酸和必需氨基酸含量显著(p<0.05)高于其他菌株分别为465.72、87.62 mg/L;聚类分析将菌株X16发酵的无花果酒聚为一类。通过对各样品进行分析,最终筛选出较优的酿酒酵母X16。
The comparative analysis of the advamced alcohols in fig wines fermented by different commercial yeasts was carried out with the strains EC1118, KD, X16, D254 and BO213 fermented fig wines, and the amino acid content in the fruitless juices and wines was analyzed and compared. Through cluster analysis, different yeast fermented wines were clustered and the best strains were selected. Results demonstrated that n-propanol, isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol and benzyl alcohol were the main ingredients of fig wine fermented by five yeast strains and the content of isoamyl alcohol was higher than all the others. The total contents of advanced alcohols in the products were 326.01 mg/L of EC1118, 321.85 mg/L of KD, 306.62 mg/L of X16, 304.27 mg/L of D254, and 246.60 mg/L of BO213, respectively. Additionally, seventeen amino acids were discovered in both fig juice and wine. The fig juice had the highest total amino acid content, followed by the X16 fermenting product (465.72 mg/L), then the BO213, EC1118, KD and D254. Moreover, the fig wine fermented by X16 also had the highest free amino acid content (465.72 mg/L) and essential amino acid content (87.62 mg/L). There was a significant difference in the total amino acids content of all products. By analyzing each sample, the best Saccharomyces cerevisiae X16 was finally screened out.
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