In this paper, two natural antibacterial agents were selected: chitosan and allicin, and studied their antibacterial activities on four pathogens (Mucor mucdo, Fusarium spp., Alternaria alternata, and Penicillum spp.) which often lead Jiashi melon to decay during storage. The antibacterial activity and stability of the combined antibacterial agents composed of chitosan and allicin were studied. Then, the combined antibacterial agents was used for storing Jiashi melon, and the decay rate of Jiashi melon was examined during storage. The results showed that chitosan and allicin all had antibacterial effects on these four pathogenic bacteria. The minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of chitosan were 3.7, 3.1, 4.2, 5.5 g/L and of allicin were 2.3, 1.7, 2.2, 2.6 g/L. The combined antibacterial agent showed more stronger antibacterial activity compared to the two antibacterial agent used alone. The combined antibacterial agent had well stability and could maintain a better antibacterial activity below 50 ℃, at pH 5-8 and ultraviolet light irradiation time within 40 minutes. In the treatment group, Jiashi melon was treated with combined antibacterial agents before storage, the control group without antibacterial treatment was compared. The decay rate of treatment group reduced significantly compared with the control group, and the preservation period was prolonged obviously as well.
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