研究酸肉长时间发酵保藏中蛋白质的降解及有机酸的组成变化,以及对酸肉酸鲜滋味品质的影响。结果显示,随发酵时间延长,酸肉非蛋白氮、氨肽氮、三氯乙酸-可溶性肽及游离氨基酸含量逐渐增加,其中呈酸鲜和酸甜味感的游离氨基酸含量和味感强度高值均出现在发酵80~110 d,呈苦味的氨基酸呈逐渐增加的趋势,主要的呈味氨基酸是谷氨酸。乳酸菌及有机酸组成分析显示,均随发酵时间延长快速增加后保持稳定的波动变化,乳酸菌在发酵50 d后保持稳定,而有机酸总量和味感强度高值出现在发酵80~110 d,主要的有机酸是酒石酸和乳酸。发酵50~110 d时感官评价分值最高,感官评分与总有机酸味感强度和酒石酸含量极显著正相关。综合TCA-可溶性肽、游离氨基酸和有机酸组成及含量变化,以及感官评价结果,酸肉采用发酵的方式保藏时间不宜超过110 d,最佳食用时间在发酵50~80 d。
The degradation of protein and composition of organic acids as well as umami taste quality of Za-pork in long-term fermentation were studied. The results showed that the amount of non-protein nitrogen, amino peptide nitrogen, trichloroacetic acid-soluble peptides and free amino acids were gradually increased within prolongation of fermentation. The maximal level of free amino acids and acidic, sweet and sour taste flavor appeared after 80 to 110 days' fermentation. The bitter amino acids showed a tendency of gradually increasing. The fragrant amino acid was glutamic acid. The lactic acid bacteria and organic acids kept stable after a rapid increase in fermentation time. Lactic acid bacteria remained stable after 50 days′ fermentation, while the highest values of total organic acids and taste intensity appeared at 80 to 110 days′ fermentation. The main organic acids are tartaric acid and lactic acid. The sensory scores were the highest at 50-110 days′ fermentation and were positively correlated with the total organic acids and tartaric acid contents. With TCA-soluble peptides, free amino acids and organic acid composition and content changes as well as sensory evaluation results, Za-pork preserved by fermentation method should not be exceeded over 110 days and the best time to eat was 50-80 days′ fermentation.
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