为建立啤酒口感的饱满性、圆润性评价模型,并了解影响啤酒质量的关键因素,分析了37个10°P啤酒样品的口感饱满性和圆润性感官品评得分,以及40种风味物质(醇类、酯类、阴离子、阳离子、有机酸、糖类、蛋白类等)的含量水平。利用相关性、偏最小二乘回归法(partial least squares regression, PLSR)研究了风味化学含量水平与口感饱满性、圆润性的关系,基于PLSR标准化回归系数确定了啤酒风味物质对口感特性的影响。结果表明,口感饱满性主要受离子、有机酸及多糖影响,其中多糖、琥珀酸/苹果酸、草酸、乳酸等有机酸以及Ca2+有利于口感饱满性,而阴离子(SO2-4、Cl-)、K+及异戊醇的作用则相反。圆润性主要受阳离子、糖及蛋白质组分的影响,其中蛋白质、酯类及醇类物质可提高口感圆润性,而阳离子、糖及有机酸则相反。最后,基于口感特性的关键影响因素,建立了口感饱满性和圆润性多元回归预测模型,回归模型的R2分别达到77.5%和58.6%。模型验证结果显示,饱满性实际值和预测值相关系数达到0.901(P=0.006),圆润性实际值和预测值相关系数达到0.689(P=0.087),表明该模型可用于啤酒口感特性的定量预测。
Mouthfeel is important for beer quality, but there were few studies conducted to investigate mouthfeel evaluation model and its influencing factors. The aim of this study was to construct a mouthfeel evaluation model in terms of fullness and roundness, and its key influencing factors were measured. 37 10°P beer samples were evaluated for their fullness and roundness. Levels of 40 flavor compounds were also determined, including alcohols, esters, cations and anions, organic acids, carbohydrates, and proteins etc. According to correlation analysis and partial least-squares regression (PLSR), relationships between flavor compounds and fullness and roundness were analyzed. Impacts of various factors on the mouthfeel were evaluated based on standardized regression coefficient of PLSR. The results showed that fullness was mainly affected by ions, organic acids, and polysaccharides. In addition, polysaccharides, succinic acid/malic acid, oxalic acid, lactic acid, and other organic acids and Ca2+ were advantageous to fullness, but the anion (SO2-4, Cl-), K+, and isoamylol shoued opposite effects. Meanwhile, roundness was influenced mainly by cations, sugars and protein components. Roundness was increased by protein, alcohol, and esters, but not by sugars and organic acids. Finally, multiple regression prediction models for fullness and roundness based on their key influencing factors were constructed, and their R2 reached 77.5% and 58.6%, respectively. The correlation coefficient between actual value and predicted value of fullness was 0.901 (P=0.006), which was higher than that of roundness (r=0.689, P=0.087), suggesting that this model coule be used for quantitative prediction of beer mouthfeel.
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