以香菜为试材,研究水提精油的稳定性和对粉红单端孢(Trichothecium roseum)的抑制效果以及2, 2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothi azoline-6-sulfonic acid,ABTS)自由基的清除作用。结果表明,香菜精油在温度25~60 ℃和pH 5.0~8.0具有较好的稳定性。在紫外线(30 W×2)的照射下,随着放置时间的延长,精油中的黄酮类物质会有损失。过氧化氢、亚硫酸钠和柠檬酸影响香菜精油的稳定性;常见的食品添加剂氯化钠、抗坏血酸、蔗糖和果糖能够提高香菜精油的稳定性。抑菌实验表明,用水浸提的精油对T. roseum有明显的抑制效果,最小抑菌浓度为6.25%;香菜精油对ABTS自由基有良好的清除作用,在0.04%时,清除率达80%以上。
The stability of coriander water-extract essential oil was studied, as well as its inhibitory effect on Trichothecium roseum and its scavenging effect on ABTS free radicals. The results showed that the coriander essential oil had better stability at 25-60 ℃ and pH=5.0-8.0. Flavonoids in essential oils were lost with time under UV irradiation (30 W×2). H2O2, Na2SO3, and citric acid affected the stability of coriander essential oil. Common food additives including NaCl, ascorbic acid, sucrose, and fructose promoted the stability of coriander essential oil. Antifungal results showed that coriander essential oil extracted with water significantly inhibited the mycelia growth of T. roseum, and the minimum inhibitory concentration was 6.25%. Coriander essential oil also had a good scavenging ability on ABTS free radicals. The scavenging rate was more than 80% when the concentration was 0.04%.
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