以银耳、莲子为主要原料,利用银耳多糖及莲子淀粉的凝胶特性,研制具有独特风味的银耳莲子糕。在银耳粉与莲子粉比例、复合胶添加量、柠檬酸添加量、蔗糖添加量4个单因素实验的基础上,采用响应面设计优化工艺,经感官评定、质构分析得出最佳工艺,即银耳粉与莲子粉总质量16 g[m(银耳粉)∶m(莲子粉)=2∶1]、复合胶添加量2.36 g[m(果胶)∶m(卡拉胶)∶m(琼脂)=3∶2∶1]、柠檬酸添加量0.32 g、蔗糖添加量24.2 g,经加水(220 mL)熬煮(95 ℃,30 min)、冷却成型及干燥(60 ℃干燥11 h后翻面70 ℃干燥6 h)后得成品。制得的银耳莲子糕口感好,营养丰富,携带方便,易保存,是老少皆宜的健康休闲食品。
Tremella and lotus seed were used as main materials to prepare the tremella and lotus seed cake. The gelling ability of polysaccharides from tremella and starch from lotus seed contributes to the formation of the cake. Four single factor experiments were performed. The factors including: the ratio of tremella powder to lotus seed power, the contents of added gum complex, citric acid, and sugar. Further response surface design was used to optimize the formulation of the cake. According to the sensory evaluation and texture analysis, the optimal processing technology to produce the tremella and lotus seed cake was determined as follows: 16 g tremella and lotus seed powder (tremella∶lotus seed=2∶1), 2.36 g gum complex (pectin∶carrageenan∶agar=3∶2∶1), 0.32 g citric acid, and 24.2 g sugar. After boiling with 220 ml water (95 ℃ for 30 min), molding and cooling, the cake was dried at 60 ℃ for 11 h and it was then turned over for further drying (70 ℃ for 6 h). The final product, which was easy to preserve and convenient to carry, was a healthy, tasty, and nutritious snack suitable for both young and the old.
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