
樟芝In-situ萃取发酵高产Antrodin C和Antroquinonol

  • 刘晓凤 ,
  • 张尧 ,
  • 王召初 ,
  • 杜超 ,
  • 邹灵洁 ,
  • 刘豪栋 ,
  • 禹朝蔚 ,
  • 艾连中 ,
  • 夏永军
  • (上海理工大学 医疗器械与食品学院,上海食品微生物工程技术研究中心,上海,200093)

网络出版日期: 2019-03-25



High-yield production of Antrodin C and Antroquinonol from In-situ extractive fermentation of Antrodia camphorata

  • LIU Xiaofeng ,
  • ZHANG Yao ,
  • WANG Zhaochu ,
  • DU Chao ,
  • ZOU Lingjie ,
  • LIU Haodong ,
  • YU Chaowei ,
  • AI Lianzhong ,
  • XIA Yongjun
  • (School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Food Microbiology, Shanghai 200093,China)

Online published: 2019-03-25


樟芝含有丰富的活性成分,但是其液态发酵产物种类及含量较少。该文通过添加前体物诱导活性成分合成,结合In-situ萃取发酵技术有效提高Antrodin C (Ac)及Antroquinonol (Aq)类化合物产量。通过发酵工艺条件优化以及7 L发酵罐实验,结果显示植物油作为萃取发酵溶剂,能够有效促进前体物辅酶Q0的转化,从而提高泛醌类组分的产量。植物油能够高效富集Ac以及Aq类化合物,于7 L发酵罐发酵结束后产量分别为486.01 mg/L和110.06mg/L,与诱导发酵相比,分别提高了272.1%和293.5%。同时,植物油在发酵过程中的萃取作用非常明显,活性成分释放率达到80%左右。通过连续发酵实验表明,发酵结束后,采用简单的回收工艺,即可将植物油重复利用。


刘晓凤 , 张尧 , 王召初 , 杜超 , 邹灵洁 , 刘豪栋 , 禹朝蔚 , 艾连中 , 夏永军 . 樟芝In-situ萃取发酵高产Antrodin C和Antroquinonol[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(5) : 8 -13 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018958


Antrodia camphorate contains many active ingredients, however, products of its submerge fermentation are fewer in terms of types and levels. In this research, precursor was added during fermentation to induce active ingredients synthesis, combining with In-situ extractive fermentation technology to co-effectively increase the production of Antrodin C (Ac) and Antroquinonol (Aq). Optimizing experimental conditions in a 7 L fermenter showed that using vegetable oil as an In-situ extractant could effectively promote the transformation of coenzyme Q0 and increase the production of ubiquinone. Vegetable oil could efficiently enrich Ac and Aq, and their yields were 486.01 mg/L and 110.06 mg/L, respectively. Comparing to induced fermentation, contents of Ac and Aq increased by 272.1% and 293.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, the extraction effect of vegetable oil was obvious, and the release rates of active ingredients could reach as high as 80%. Besides, the results of continuous fermentation showed that vegetable oil could be reused through a simple recycling process.


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